Green House Seed Co. Dirtass Company


Active Member
Green House Seeds, Himalaya Gold. Fucking shit seeds. Not one germinated out my 5 femed seeds. But dont go and say i did something wrong no..
12 bag seeds all germinated fine. Never Again buying from green house. :evil:

Rocky Top High

Well-Known Member
Anyone know what dr.chronic seeds are like?
I got some White Widow fems from the Doc and only ONE germed. I bought other seeds from and have 100% germ rate. Sometimes, shit happens. I am not happy about it but I will order again from Doc. I have had very good rates from him in the past. Maybe it's just fem seeds?


just go with the attitude seed co {Best Quality}

the seed bank has nothing to do with the seeds except pricing; they just buy the seeds in bulk from the breeders and then resell to you... i have never used attitude because their prices have went up substantially since they became more popular. the doc has stayed consistent on pricing and continues to add to his breeder list.


Well-Known Member
- I have germed 6 of thier feminized seeds and all 6 have germed. I accidentally killed 2 of them after the taproot had emerged, but out of the origional 3 Big Bang fems, all 3 germed, but I killed 2 on accident. I had to move my setup which gives about 95% germ rates no matter what seed. When I moved it I had less space and mis-calculated something and it got a little too warm in one spot, killing 2 of them. Aside from that, the other one in with them lived even through the harsh conditions that night, and I germed 2 more Big Bangs and one Himalayan gold right after this and they all did fine. All were feminized.

- Basically all the ones I didnt try and kill germinated, and even one that should have died along with the other 2 actually still germed. I have a bunch more I won't have any room for until later in the year, so I will report on their germ rate. So far I think they are just fine. If I hadn't made my germination area too warm for that short period of time, those other 2 seeds would have finished germinating. They had already started strong. All of them germed on about the second day, which is longer than usual for me, usually I can get germination by 24 hours. these guys took 48 give or take a couple. They did germinate, however, and pretty vigorously. now they are just barely starting thier lives. Look ok so far tho.

- My point is, I don't represent them in any way (I'm actually pissed at them for another reason... they won't even answer my emails just because I'm from the USA). And I have experienced much better germ rates than this guy. Not saying it was your fault. Some seed distributors could have potentially found some 6 year old stock of something and sold it as "new" to you(Himilayan Gold has been around for a really long time), or the seeds could have been through some kind of trauma at some point after they were packaged and left Greenhouse. maybe somebody handled them incorrectly and rendered them infertile at some point between when they left the factory and they got into your hands. It may not be Greenhouse's fault. not all dealers of seeds are on the level, so to speak, and aside from that what about transportation? I'm just saying, you dont know why your seeds didn't germ. Mine did ok, so I think that your situation probably isn't the norm, anyway.


Well-Known Member
the seed bank has nothing to do with the seeds except pricing; they just buy the seeds in bulk from the breeders and then resell to you... i have never used attitude because their prices have went up substantially since they became more popular. the doc has stayed consistent on pricing and continues to add to his breeder list.
Ultimately, I think it is better to go with a large company like them, or a few others I can think of. If they move alot of inventory, that means they have to update and re-order often. This means they usually have new seed stock, and that is what determines the quality. I think the doc is ok too, He moves inventory as well so is likely selling pretty fresh stock as well. Just wanted to get it out there that I think its better to go to a place like Attitude, Sensible seeds, or the doc than to go to some little company who doesn't offer very much and makes rediculous claims about their version of a particular strain (25% THC, or something dumb like that) just to dupe you into buying.