Green House Seed Co - Arjan's Haze #1, Ultra Haze #1 & White Widow


that's the flower room, I moved em from the veg room about a week and a half ago. The veg room has the 600w, which I'm gonna switch up and put a 1kw in veg and 1600 total in flower. I'm looking to grab 24 clones tomorrow. Then I'll put the 16 into flower two days after.


Day 38 - took 25 clones, 13 are indica dom, 11 are the sativas and 1 of the sour diesel. I'll be flowering the others in a day or so. I expect the clones to show roots in 3-5 days, except for the sour diesel, they seem to take longer. The power cloner was definitely one of the best investments.



I'm putting these fucks into flowering now, the god of alcohol has provided me with the information that now is the time. Don't let them tell you anything different.


I was pretty tanked last night, but anyway onto the flowering. I'm waiting for the lights to come on so I can do a quick check before I hit the rack. I was reading through some other people's journals and I've noticed a few people are wondering what nodes and such are. I did a quick google and got this chart on the anatomy of a plant. I'm linking the page so if anyone wants to check it out real quick, it's here for ya. Anatomy of a plant

Prolly take some pics in a few days once they're in the know about what stage they're in.



2nd day of flowering -
Had to make a new post due to the fact that I'm surprised at how fast one of the plants decided to sprout some pistils. Gotta love greenhouse genetics. The one with the hairs is the one that's stem is sticky and leaves a residue on my fingers (pic 4). I'm gonna guess it's the ultra haze, but I'll never know for sure. Lil added info, the last feed they got the ppm was at 900, ph 5.8, I was dripping every two days, now it'll be everyday.



Active Member
Hey Gyp, those are looking nice. I have some arjans girls going right now that are about two weeks older than yours. It took then a bit longer show start to show their flowers than the other strains I have going(KC, Super Silver) but they are getting hairy. This is my first grow. I am cooking with 1000w, on a ebb & Flow system. I would send a pic but my camera is broken.


6 of the 24 cuttings are rooted and transplanted into rw. Germed an Arjan's Haze #1 for a mother plant and that took two days to crack, that's in rw tonite as well. Majority of the cuttings are close to being ready for the transplant to rw, I'm guessing 2-4 more days, though some of the sativas might take longer.

The plants in flower are doing well more pistils have sprung.

Thanks Madcow, <3 katie, danke lmnop.

It is hella white/bright in the flower room, been off balanced for a few days so my shots aren't as good as I've wanted them to be.



Well-Known Member
yo gyp you the man. I just recieved my greenhouse ww from and awaiting thier germ, got fems too. i cant wait brother!!!! thanks for the preview of my next bombdickle


Active Member
I hope you have plenty of room to grow. Since I have put my girls into flower my kc-33 have stayed at about the same height but the super silver haze and the arjans just keep on growing. I had to top both the ssh and arjans but they are still chasing the light.

Have your girls started to stink yet? Every time I walk into my house I am slapped in the face with goodness. I really need a carbon filter but it'll have to wait until the next go 'round.


Thanks Panda, their genetics are the bomb.

I actually have a filter running, but the smell is still pretty intense. Growing them in rw, it seems like I can regulate them. I'm keeping the roots from growing too big which in turn should keep them down some. Hopefully they won't go past 6 feet, which is just about my limit.


Couple more pics this morning, before I hit the rack for good. Height is increasing, and more pistils make me happy. If you can notice in the last pic, what seems to be just one stem, with single leaves, it's a clone from the sour diesel I took while it was flowering, never reverted back to veg state.



6 Days of flowering - Every one of the plants have pistils, gotta love those feminized seeds. 15 of the 25 clones have been transplanted into rockwool, the Arjan's haze #1 mother seed has broken the surface of the rw that I put it in (I labeled this one really well). I'm gonna germ a white widow today, then an ultra haze by next week. I'll be vegging the clones for a week before I toss them into flower, they're under the 600w.



1 week of flowering - Everything looks good. I pulled the tube and decided just to dunk these girls when they're thirsty. Gives me something to do. The Arjan's mother's tap root is through the bottom of the 3 in rw, clones aren't poking out yet though. Couple pics from lights on.



Well-Known Member
This is the healthiest looking grow I have seen in the journals. Could you go over the nut increases? I only seen were you did 2. Great job.


Thanks man, I've seen some nicer plants though.

It's the variables between the different strains and me being lazy not having different mixtures for em. Today they get two feeds, one for a flush, strictly ph 5.5 water, and then food feed, 5.5 ph with an ec of 1.7. I may recut the last 10 clones, rinse out the power cloner and give them some fresh juice.