Green house cloning


So i took some cuttings of 2 tomato plants i have in my garden today to test the waters, ive cloned inside under lights and such but never outside in the elements. i built a greenhouse to start my veggies and such and for my babies of course. seeing as im new to the whole outdoor scene i was wondering if anyone had some tips for clone boxes in greenhouses or any of your methods. whatever gets it done like i said this is just a test before i get into me qrazy train and kaboom


sooo from the two tomato clones i took, 1 is doing well the other is lookin hella sad and wilted im hopping it will turn around but the next couple nights are gunna get really cold so well see what happens. my plants look like il be able to take clones in about another 2 weeks hopefully well see… updates when theres something to update… and i still cant get pics uploaded…. pissed