green fungus on top of soil


Well-Known Member
hey peeps,
I've got some new babys started in 4" soil containers and a few of them have a green fungus on the top of the soil. :? What's the deal? How do I kill it without harming the plant? Any suggestions?


Well-Known Member
are you sure that its a fungus?? or is it more like a green moss??? because the green mossy stuff is somewhat normal, i have seen it before on the soil of a plant, and it shouldnt effect the plant.

it also could be from high humidity


New Member
Its not fungus ... its algae. Its basically a plant and uses exactly what your marijuana plants use to stay alive ... air, water and light. Fungus gnats love algae and lay their eggs in it. The eggs hatch into larvae, which in turn, eats the roots of your marijuana plants. Soooo ... the best bet is to stop the growth of the algae before the gnats find it. You can do that by blocking the light from hitting the tops of your pots and the soil. Use some white plastic, or something similar, cut to fit and put it over the soil. That will stop the algae growth post haste. Good luck.



Active Member
Oh wow,

I have two or three like that I will be putting the plastic over them, but can they spread?

Its not fungus ... its algae. Its basically a plant and uses exactly what your marijuana plants use to stay alive ... air, water and light. Fungus gnats love algae and lay their eggs in it. The eggs hatch into larvae, which in turn, eats the roots of your marijuana plants. Soooo ... the best bet is to stop the growth of the algae before the gnats find it. You can do that by blocking the light from hitting the tops of your pots and the soil. Use some white plastic, or something similar, cut to fit and put it over the soil. That will stop the algae growth post haste. Good luck.



Well-Known Member
best thing to use is not plastic but put about an inch of white sand around your plant, not only will it prevent any bugs from hatching under your soil and getting into your grow room but it also reflects light back onto your plant,
ive never had bugs of anykind since useing sand as it forms a hard crust when it has been wet and dried.