green crack

Check out Jogro's thread he is doing a Green Crack grow right now from SickMeds' feminized seeds. I have G.C. clones that me n' my crew have been growing for the last 5 years. I also have a line of seeds called "LuLu" that is pretty close to G.C. in seed form, we've been back-crossing for about 3 years to get it right.
Lots of controversy about the origin of strains, but I thought this one was pretty straight forward.
N.L.#5 X Crack
Lots of controversy about the origin of strains, but I thought this one was pretty straight forward.
N.L.#5 X Crack

i prefer the 'legends and myths' .....

----controversy is something that happens when folks get together and smoke pot or drink beer and then discuss things like politics....religion strains-

-----googling the name you will get as many 'stories' as there are variations in any given strain-

how about 'purple dragon'-----?:eyesmoke:
posted by DonJinn (he's also a RIU member) at another site last year -

"Green Crack was an 89 SSSC skunk#1 crossed with an unknown indica in athens ohio in about 1990. It was indeed made by cecilC. Cecil is the kind of guy who would'nt want to take credit for making it as it was just a random cross. The part about MrGreenBeans was pretty acurrate. Only mrgreenbeans was'nt living anywhere near georgia. He had people that were bringing him pounds of Green Crack aka Cush and he loved it and wanted to grow it. He kept trying to get clones from these guys and they would always say no.

Eventually for the price of $2,500 he was able to get a clone of it. Those georgia guys, mrgreenbeans and CecilC all call it Cush with a C not to be confused with Kush. I think when mrgreenbeans got the clone it was around 94.

Cecils old friends that had the Cush still he stopped talking to for reasons and was'nt in that area anymore. Another old user some of you may remember named Bunz had this plant out in southern cali that was not named but he was selling herb to snoop dog if you believe the story(but bunz was'nt one to make bunny muffin up), was selling herb to snoop dog and snoop named it green crack. Years later, I met mrgreenbeans on a canadian IRC chat client and invited him to come chat at truestoners. He did and he and cecil kicked it off and the three of us met up and exchanged clones. At the same time or rather right before then, cecil got Bunz to send him clones of green crack and a few others and the green crack and the Cush are identicle. Now as everyone knows I used to send out tons of clones/cuttings constantly and the green crack aka Cush was one that I sure had a big hand in spreading out. Sometimes newbies in chat complain about me hoarding bunny muffin, but anyone who thinks that has'nt a clue. Look how many folks out there have some of my old strains now. CecilC was the same way though he was a bit paranoid about sending out and sometimes would take forever to do it, but he honestly is and was very much against hoarding, thinking that everyone should grow the best possible. So green crack aka Cush sure got spread around a bunch. I have heard folks saying that her structure looks like old skunk#1 or super skunk, but it is not, it is what it is, just apprears very similliar, but hell let's think about it super skunk = skunk#1 x afgani, Cush/green crack = skunk#1 x indica, same basic theory of a cross. She is very fast flowering, the fastest by far that I have ever seen from the approximatly 200 strains that I have grown. She has this super sweet like sickly sweet candy fruit taste and smell. She is a good one for sure. She is not my favorite, I find that with those types of fast sativa doms I build a fast tolerance, of course everyone else gets ripped from it. I think she is decently potent, not schrom or OG kush, but not weak by any means."
^^^^truth^^^^^ from Abe.

do I really have to waste more time and answer buckaroo's questions as to why he doesn't have green crack seeds?

Someone please explain genetics to him. I don't have time.
Abe, you got a cut from medcnman? We may have friends in common. Hope you didn't pay 2500, ouch

Medcnman (?) - He's Awesome. Actually I lost GC already and just got it back again. Sure does pay to know serious growers and look out for each other. So Mancelonaman, were you lucky enough to acquire Mm's Ed Rosenthal's Superbud? I'm about to harvest my first one and I'm one happy camper!!
I harvested my superbud (from you). Me and Belle have been smoking the shit out of it.
Amazing flavor. Lost the clone though.
Same with the Jackson Ripper. Couchlock shed real tears.
I missed out on the superbud abe, I did get wonderwoman, gc, and blueberry from him. He is definitely good people.

Unfortunately I am a glutton for punishment, soon as I get a strain tuned in I wanna try something new. A small seed ordering addiction doesn't help.
heard that BC bud depot blueberry is fast... how'd ya like it? mine is a few wks out but puttin off some nice aromas.


I've discovered life is far less than six-degrees-of-separation in this michigan mmj realm. 2013 is looking real good!
Green Crack - Feminized Seeds (S1)

Originally titled Green Cush, just Cush or Lillie Coy when it was released as a clone only, this mango/papaya smelling beauty its a '89 SSSC Skunk#1 crossed with a mysterious Californian Indica.

This strain is very easy to grow and barely need any attention from its grower, if vegged bit longer, will surprise with descent yield around 450-500g per square meter indoor. She like to be trimmed from the bottom "lollipopped" and pruned/topped to get best yield off her.

Green Crack also have a tendency to turn purple in colder temperatures making it really nice treat for Your eye, effects are very uplifting and energetic but dont be fooled this is strong weed !

Medical uses:
Stress and pain.

Green Crack
75% Sativa
Green Crack x Green Crack
49 - 55 Days
Mid September
THC 18.7%, THCV 0.9%, CBD 0.0%, CBG 0.6%, CBN 0.3%, CBC 0.7% this is sickmeds version
That's exactly the smell I was trying to put my finger on, mango/papaya. everything in that statement is true. Loved to be topped and super easy to grow. And everyone out there thought green "crack", must be a super heady upitty buzz. Not really it was a headbanger.
That is what I hear everyone say... but I am pretty sure that is not correct...
I believe there are two reasons that people think it comes from Athens, GA.

1... It came from Athens, OHIO. But when you hear Athens, what do you think of?

:::and then to add to that confusion:::

2... It was sent to Georgia (but not Athens) from Ohio to a handful of growers who accelerated its spread around the country. However, it was bred in and originally spread from Athens, OH. early 90s.

My understanding is the above... bred by CecilC (hence the Cush) .

That is far from completely unknown information, but, many sources considered fairly reputable around the web say that it was bred in Athens, GA.

CecilC is the original breeder of the real green crack clone. He is from GA and that's where it really did originate from. There is more than one imposter though.