Green Crack Seed!


Hi all!

Im new to this site and wanted to ask a question.

I got some Green crack Kush from the medical store here in town and in it I found a seed in it... I have germinated it and it sprouted FYI.

I was told by someone that because its a clone only strain...this seed will not germinate and if it does it will 100% be a hermaphrodite!

Is this correct if so am I wasting my time with this seed?

Thanks in advance.



Well-Known Member
The fact is if it is actually green crack then it came from a hermie which will give you a female plant about 80% of the time or a hermie.


Well-Known Member
no way , it might be herme but doesnt have to be , it could have been pollinated by another strain accidentaly by someones sleeve or basically any kinda final destination type of incident coulda brought pollen to the plant , never know you might end up with some super duper accidental cross that is the new baddest ass bud around , grow it out , at the very worst you get the experience.


Well-Known Member
no way , it might be herme but doesnt have to be , it could have been pollinated by another strain accidentaly by someones sleeve or basically any kinda final destination type of incident coulda brought pollen to the plant , never know you might end up with some super duper accidental cross that is the new baddest ass bud around , grow it out , at the very worst you get the experience.
If it got polinated by something else then it is not actual Green Crack.


Thanks guys.

That's what I thought cant hurt to try...

I also have some THC Bomb .. LSD.. and Mazar germinating... with 18 (unknown) cat piss smelling plants 2 weeks into flower. Ill post pics and everything as soon as I have some.


Someone told me the reason it seeds is because it was stressed out so much during flower to make the plant HUGE it produced a few seeds.. Im just learning so.. I'll try it out.


Well-Known Member
Someone told me the reason it seeds is because it was stressed out so much during flower to make the plant HUGE it produced a few seeds.. Im just learning so.. I'll try it out.
Marijuana does, in fact, have a survival instinct and can and will on occasion just randomly produce a couple seeds to ensure the strains survival.


Well Im trying it out. If it turns out to be female and even if its a cross strain due to pollination from another plant I'll consider myself a lucky dude!


Well-Known Member
Well Im trying it out. If it turns out to be female and even if its a cross strain due to pollination from another plant I'll consider myself a lucky dude!
I think you have a real good chance of getting a girl and it will probably be some great weed regardless.


I spoke to the guy at the store, he told me if I got a seed from the green crack its crossed with blue berry as he had a few turn hermie on him.. Im still happy, I love both strains so fingers crossed its a girl!
this exact same scenario hapenned to me. found a single seed in my cali med dispensary dream queen (aka Green Crack) 1/8th. i am approx. one week away from harvest. research informed me that seeds found from medi weed are very likely to be fem seeds automatically (something having to do with how you're bred). DO IT! worst case scenario you learn how to grow...


Well-Known Member
I spoke to the guy at the store, he told me if I got a seed from the green crack its crossed with blue berry as he had a few turn hermie on him.. Im still happy, I love both strains so fingers crossed its a girl!
thats actually really cool of the guy at the store to be so honest about what happened with you ;)


Active Member
the seed could either be the result of hermaphrodism (in which case the plant you grow from this seed will also be prone to hermaphrdism) or an accidental pollination by a male of a different strain (in which case, you shouldn't have any problems unless you stress your plant too much). It may not be THE Green Crack, but don't forget that about 50% of the genes are inherited from the GC mother, so it SHOULD have some resemblance.


Active Member
I spoke to the guy at the store, he told me if I got a seed from the green crack its crossed with blue berry as he had a few turn hermie on him.. Im still happy, I love both strains so fingers crossed its a girl!
Yeah, blueberry is known to chuck out bananas easily...on the other hand, its a very tasty and potent strain, so the cross of that and GC should be worth growing...


Active Member
Yeah grow it. Only one way to find out. Green crack smells great, looks great, the high is great but taste wise I find it disappointing. So hope it's a cross and one that tastes better. And u'd have the best strain ever. Good luck. And there is seeds of it house of funk. Burmese x gc clone.


Well-Known Member
the seed could either be the result of hermaphrodism (in which case the plant you grow from this seed will also be prone to hermaphrdism) or an accidental pollination by a male of a different strain (in which case, you shouldn't have any problems unless you stress your plant too much). It may not be THE Green Crack, but don't forget that about 50% of the genes are inherited from the GC mother, so it SHOULD have some resemblance.
it was herm pollen from a blueberry


Well-Known Member
Yeah grow it. Only one way to find out. Green crack smells great, looks great, the high is great but taste wise I find it disappointing. So hope it's a cross and one that tastes better. And u'd have the best strain ever. Good luck. And there is seeds of it house of funk. Burmese x gc clone.
just remember, Herms make more herms.

if you do grow it, always be watchful of herm traits and remove the nanners as they appear, or keep it isolated.

good luck!


So what became of it?

I found 3 in the finest bag of green crack that I have smoked to date. All 3 sprouted just fine. I will update this thread once all is said and done.