Green Crack looks very loose, outdoor grow

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
You're plant reveged.. imagine you were growing indoor. . And you were vegging on 18/6 light cycle you went to 12/ 12..then two weeks later you put it back on 18/6...then u went back to 12/12 at some point!! Not with those exact numbers but I'm sure you understand what I'm trying to say .. u essentially did that by giving it to many hours of artificial light before throwing it outside..


Well-Known Member
You're plant reveged.. imagine you were growing indoor. . And you were vegging on 18/6 light cycle you went to 12/ 12..then two weeks later you put it back on 18/6...then u went back to 12/12 at some point!! Not with those exact numbers but I'm sure you understand what I'm trying to say .. u essentially did that by giving it to many hours of artificial light before throwing it outside..
I seriously doubt that it reveged. It has been outdoors since March. It started flowering in late June. This plant is just exhibiting some phenotype expression from being outdoors as opposed to what it looks like when it is indoors. The white widow right next to it, looks great with the same nutes. I'm switching to fall blend next week and I'll keep hitting it with some organic tea. I was thinking of hitting it with a little Mad Farmer mother of all blooms. Just hope it doesn't burn the tips. That might just give it the kick it needs. I'll keep up some pictures to let you all know the progress.

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
I seriously doubt that it reveged. It has been outdoors since March. It started flowering in late June. This plant is just exhibiting some phenotype expression from being outdoors as opposed to what it looks like when it is indoors. The white widow right next to it, looks great with the same nutes. I'm switching to fall blend next week and I'll keep hitting it with some organic tea. I was thinking of hitting it with a little Mad Farmer mother of all blooms. Just hope it doesn't burn the tips. That might just give it the kick it needs. I'll keep up some pictures to let you all know the progress.
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Well-Known Member
That GC flowers so fast, you can get three harvests per season. Nice and crystaly, not many strains have folklore attached to it, good for you. The roots dried makes great tea, use all that goodness .


Well-Known Member
That GC flowers so fast, you can get three harvests per season. Nice and crystaly, not many strains have folklore attached to it, good for you. The roots dried makes great tea, use all that goodness .
How do you get three harvests per season? I just grew out the colas indoors and it looks pretty dead after the trichs get that cloudy turning to amber color. Do you change the light cycle back to 18 or do that gas lantern thing to reveg? I tried that gas lantern technique, and it stretched my crops and made the green crack really brittle. I snapped two really big branches, but tied them together and they finished their cycle, but I'm not going to do that again. I would advise anyone that tries the gas lantern technique, to tie up their heavy branches, and bump up their calcium and silica in their nutes.
How long do you go back to veg? Can you do it in a couple of weeks? Does it take months?


Well-Known Member
Thank you YoungBuzz101 for your input. You are so right about not being able to control so much in the environment. I would love to bring her inside and control stuff like temp, humidity, light, but since she's already started flowering, I'm just gonna leave her in place and plan for a better plant next year. I live in southern California, so shouldn't have to worry about the frost in the fall. I think she will be ready early October.
Now about next year's plant, could you suggest a strain that would be good producer for southern California? I got some clones I cut from some plants I started w/ seeds. Let me know if you'd suggest any of these: I have headband, white widow, candy jack, JillyBean, SoCal private reserve, and dawg towne haze. They are in solo cups w/ Subcool's super soil. You have been very helpful and I would appreciate you letting me know, if you're familiar with any of these strains growing in southern California well.
Here's my white widow growing right along side the green crack. This one seems to mature quite a bit quicker than the green crack. I put the white widow outdoors in May.View attachment 3225757

I am having good luck with Master Kush and Bubba Kush outside in So. California.. The one thing that I had to do was put a light (CFL) on the plants to extended the daylight, I shut the lite off about 10pm since they were clones growing under 24 hours of light when I got them.. If I don't put a light on them they go in to flower and look like your greencrack..


Well-Known Member
I have a GSC clone that I put out in early April and it looks the same as yours.. it started to flower due to the short days and I did not know at the time the place I got it from had it on 24 hour light. so it started to flower in may and it is just now starting to reveg and looks just like your greencrack..


Well-Known Member
How do you get three harvests per season? I just grew out the colas indoors and it looks pretty dead after the trichs get that cloudy turning to amber color. Do you change the light cycle back to 18 or do that gas lantern thing to reveg? I tried that gas lantern technique, and it stretched my crops and made the green crack really brittle. I snapped two really big branches, but tied them together and they finished their cycle, but I'm not going to do that again. I would advise anyone that tries the gas lantern technique, to tie up their heavy branches, and bump up their calcium and silica in their nutes.
How long do you go back to veg? Can you do it in a couple of weeks? Does it take months?


Well-Known Member
I love me some outdoor 'supplemental ' light also!

you start them indoors/outdoor and then plant outside .you have to create its 12 hour of darkness with a tarp. harvest then put out your next batch and so on. I have done two, not three. but it can be done.

the GC cut i had flowered in 65 days outdoors
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Well-Known Member
See that's why my outdoor strategy is plug and play essentially, or plant and forget haha.. I just plant a few beans in a decent discreet location, spread some slow release on it and leave it until early august. Then I go sex them, pull the males and late sexers, put some bloom boost slow release down and come back for it at first frost. Simple, easy, effective. No indoor veg, no trails or lugging water. Hell, I don't even use pots just put them biatch's straight into the soil in a raised bed that's been tended with a couple bags pro-mix and a bag of chicken manure. Plant garlic cloves/jalapenos all around your weed patch to keep the bugs away, piss in a half water bottle (cut the top off) place it by your site add some hair trimmings from your last hair cut keeps the wildlife away. Then I let mother nature take its course some years i go to harvest and I am astounded by how little assistance these plants actually need. Honestly speaking some years i'm disappointed but, its part of the surprise and I love it.

That's not to say I don't like the nurturing part of growing cannabis I love babying my plants but that's what my indoor plants are for. I always do some indoor and outdoor because it adds a layer of insurance, if all fails one of the two crops will be harvest able and if it is a really bad year at least the combination of the two crops will equal up to one of my average years. :hump:


Well-Known Member
I have a GSC clone that I put out in early April and it looks the same as yours.. it started to flower due to the short days and I did not know at the time the place I got it from had it on 24 hour light. so it started to flower in may and it is just now starting to reveg and looks just like your greencrack..

When it flowered, did you pick the early bracts? I didn't and that made it look so dried out and stuff. I picked them off today and the plant in partial shade looks good, but the the one that has full sun started to droop a little around 1400 today. I misted w/ rain water. I'll get some pix later tonight.


Well-Known Member
Since I picked the little dried out bracts off, the plant it looks a little better. I just went outside and checked and that mist helped. neither of my plants are drooping. GcAugust11.jpg DSC_0076.jpg


Well-Known Member
I did not pick anything off. I am going to pull it up today and put it in my green waste can. it's only about 6-7" tall and it is only attracting mites to the garden. This is my Master Kush that I put in the ground in July as a clone but with this one I learned to put a light on it so it does not go in to flower. it is just a few inches short of 3 feet tall.

master 8-8-14.JPG


Well-Known Member
I love me some outdoor 'supplemental ' light also!

you start them indoors/outdoor and then plant outside .you have to create its 12 hour of darkness with a tarp. harvest then put out your next batch and so on. I have done two, not three. but it can be done.

the GC cut i had flowered in 65 days outdoors
Yeah, the tarp sounds like a nice idea if there weren't any flowers on the plants. That isn't the situation. That does sound like a real suggestion instead of Youngbuzz's trick to play on the new outdoor guy, by putting a trash bag over my plant for 48 hours in the middle of August while its 80°F. I did finish my grade 10 and know that a dark trash bag covering your plant is not only going to cut off light, to induce flowering, but it will also cut off most of her heat dissipation to induce death. Consider me hazed.

Indoors I only cut the light for 24 hours, but then start scaling back from 18 to 12. I like that method, it works pretty well.


Well-Known Member
I did not pick anything off. I am going to pull it up today and put it in my green waste can. it's only about 6-7" tall and it is only attracting mites to the garden. This is my Master Kush that I put in the ground in July as a clone but with this one I learned to put a light on it so it does not go in to flower. it is just a few inches short of 3 feet tall.

View attachment 3227232
Wow! FLKeys, that is a nice Master K. I don't have a real problem with mites, its the gnats that are hitting me every now and then. As an indica, you shouldn't have to deal with the stretch problem, she looks stout. Sorry about the GSC you had to re-purpose. Bummer. I'm gonna rock with the life that I've nurtured this far. I'd feel guilty pulling her. I'm not trying to win any cups, pay the mortgage or hook up some friends. Just trying to fill a couple of jars to have around when I'm feeling nauseous.


Well-Known Member
@ Warble wow, those are big pistols. From what I remember white widow gets pretty frosty!! At what point do you like your trichomes to be when you harvest? Not sure where you are in So. Cal but there is a great place in Santa Ana that has a huge list of clones.. I think it is Starbuds, they keep their menu updated on weedmaps.