greatest munchie food ever?


Well-Known Member
Ok this is what god shits out in the morning.

Get some bacon,Preheat the oven to 420*. place bacon on cookie sheet. Spread brown sugar over the top of each peice. and bake till they look done. eat like 40-60 strips with like 5 glasses of milk.

Im not kidding,Its awesome,its better then weed, ok not really. Its better then sex,yeah not that ether. Its good,no its bacolicious go try it. then tell me how good it is.

Oh and make extra, just trust me make extra.
Damn, Usually i get home at 6, ( After getting stoned ) And Eat everything up for dinner, and seconds. But my favorite would be either pizza, home made apple sauce, or pasta. Man i need to make some good brownies.


Well-Known Member
macoroni and cheese with exra real cheese and then some cheese wiz to top it off. Fuckin hella bomb!

haha damnnn man this thread is like 2 years old. I just got the email and im like ooo wow i remember that thread.. turns out im eating some fruit rollups and heavily medicated and daaaaamn they are god