Greatest Freakout Ever!!!


Well-Known Member
wow, he looks posessed! BLAGLALALALALALALALALALa. and he tried to shove the tv remote up his butt hole before he was hitting himself with a shoe. what was his problem?


Well-Known Member
Nope. That's HTML. Gotta use BB code.

First you have to find the video code. When you click a link it will look something like this.

You want to copy everything after the = so now you have this.


Now put it between the Youtube tags. example below, but make sure you delete all spaces.

[ youtube ] [ / youtube ]

So in the end you will have this!

[ youtube ] Nfr_nWsXOBg [ / youtube ]

Delete the spaces and you have this.



Well-Known Member
oh man! i missed the attempted remote sodomy the first time i watched it. fucking great!

who the fuck parents these kids?


Well-Known Member
That kid is a total spoiled rich brat

and if I was his mom I'd smack the shit
out of him for breaking everything.

And if I was his dad I'd beat his ass really good
everytime he did that.

It was funny tho.

I saw part 3. He didn't even like the car.
Dude, I had to buy my own damn car.

Spoiled little pussy.


Well-Known Member
That kid is a total spoiled rich brat

and if I was his mom I'd smack the shit
out of him for breaking everything.

And if I was his dad I'd beat his ass really good
everytime he did that.

It was funny tho.

I saw part 3. He didn't even like the car.
Dude, I had to buy my own damn car.

Spoiled little pussy.
That's what I'm sayin. I hate when people say shit like "My parents can't afford to send me abroad for college, I'm so mad!" Or they get mad cause they got a lexus instead of a benz.

Bitch I had to by my own damn geo with my money, and can't afford community college, quit your bitching.


Well-Known Member
theres more than one incident on youtube of this brat spazing out? i only get my youtube exposure from this site (maybe a good thing) but im gonna find them