great white v.S roots excelurator

And truth be told i dont use any teas or any of that bs u whip up and aerate as its all non sense to me. Especially if ur running hydroponics its basically useles because u have run synthetic nutrients which are going to kill all ur benes and microbes very quickly. And i highly doubt ur doing organics bcuz ur running a hydro setup wud be almost impossible to get anything good doing that so ill just assume the latter.

Furthermore, its almost laughable ur even trying to argue about this product when ur running hydro. Unless ur running specifically designed nutrients that r chelated properly and not over abundant w synth salts ur just wasting ur time and money even making that shit. Ur benes wont last more than a short period of time anyways.

Also theres alot of other products that will benefit u much better than this bs they r spewing about being the best like u said everyone does that right? lol..
Many used to say this until they were forced apparently to remove certain growth regulators a few years ago and R.E is now mediocre to say the least.
Mediocre compared to what? If they had remove it everyone else did too. There isnt a better root innoculant out there if there is i wanna know about it.
U run roots excel and great white and u dont need anything else. Super fiber, robust, bright white root systems is what u want those 2 products give u that. All this shit about benes and microbes **UNLESS YOU ARE 100% organic.. MEANS NOTHING BUT WASTE OF TIME AND MONEY!!

WTF do u need em for? They are made to outperform bad bacteria and break down organic matter, if ur running synthetic salts u feed ur plant directly all u need is an enzyme. Benes and microbes are not needed for this case esp hydro or drain to waste they wont even survive idk whats the argument.

If u go soilless, drain waste, hydro, dwc unless u having problems with temps in res or root zone u shudnt need any beneficial bacteria. And u shudnt have a prob w bad bacterias either unless u dont know what ur doing or u having problems. Benes and microbes came on scene for organic growers bcuz they need them and they perform tasks for nutrient breakdown and uptake. So im not gonna listen to soke knucklehead tell me about bene and microbes in a hydroponic system cuz thats just stupid period.
Mediocre to a super healthy root base to begin with. One doesn't need all this rooting stuff for super roots. I can't believe you don't know about this yet....
Listen i agree half shit out there is garbage, and i dont use anything but these 2 products for root zone health and thats it. But ive done runs with and without it. Ive also done side by sides i promise u 110% the root mass and fibers that u get using roots excel with great white will out compete a regular healthy root zone that wasnt treated w myco and that root innoculant. Im talking literally triple the amount and size of the roots.

This is especially true for short veg times the difference is dramatic. Try ut for yourself. And actually if u want to give me 2 weeks ill do half my pots w the 2 products and the other half without for the first 2 weeks of veg and i will pull the root mass out of thr containers take pictures and u make the call. I know whats gonna happen. Cuz ive done it many a times. But thats okay ill prove it and than we can make a argument out of it.
Listen i agree half shit out there is garbage, and i dont use anything but these 2 products for root zone health and thats it. But ive done runs with and without it. Ive also done side by sides i promise u 110% the root mass and fibers that u get using roots excel with great white will out compete a regular healthy root zone that wasnt treated w myco and that root innoculant. Im talking literally triple the amount and size of the roots.

This is especially true for short veg times the difference is dramatic. Try ut for yourself. And actually if u want to give me 2 weeks ill do half my pots w the 2 products and the other half without for the first 2 weeks of veg and i will pull the root mass out of thr containers take pictures and u make the call. I know whats gonna happen. Cuz ive done it many a times. But thats okay ill prove it and than we can make a argument out of it.
I don't want to argue. You don't need to do a side by side. Most of us have used these products you speak of. Me personally i didn't know any better. Roots excel. has been out of my line up for 6 years now. All i use now is aqua flakes and a enzyme. The sales reps got you pegged bro. Anything they tell you, you believe and then you post about it.
I don't want to argue. You don't need to do a side by side. Most of us have used these products you speak of. Me personally i didn't know any better. Roots excel. has been out of my line up for 6 years now. All i use now is aqua flakes and a enzyme. The sales reps got you pegged bro. Anything they tell you, you believe and then you post about it.

Lol. Ok buddy. Youre right Ive never used anything for myself.

All good Im actually done on this site. I never met soo many broke growers and haters in my life. Instead of listening to someone with a decade of growing experience and someone who been in the industry for a long time, u just wanna talk shit cuz products that are designed specifically for growing MJ must not work at all right? Lol.

There must be about 2-3 million braindead and brainwashed growers in the country who all swear by Roots Excel. But Im an idiot? lol.. I think u need to take a look in a mirror.

But than again ur also proly one of the idiots on here that thinks Dyna Gro and Jack Classic produces better flowers than Canna too. So maybe I should keep that in mind
Lol. Ok buddy. Youre right Ive never used anything for myself.

All good Im actually done on this site. I never met soo many broke growers and haters in my life. Instead of listening to someone with a decade of growing experience and someone who been in the industry for a long time, u just wanna talk shit cuz products that are designed specifically for growing MJ must not work at all right? Lol.

There must be about 2-3 million braindead and brainwashed growers in the country who all swear by Roots Excel. But Im an idiot? lol.. I think u need to take a look in a mirror.

But than again ur also proly one of the idiots on here that thinks Dyna Gro and Jack Classic produces better flowers than Canna too. So maybe I should keep that in mind
Mediocre compared to what? If they had remove it everyone else did too. There isnt a better root innoculant out there if there is i wanna know about it.
You obviously have trouble deciphering a very short paragraph, I was stating that it is mediocre ever since the growth regulator was removed and is no where even near as good, no huge furry roots like you used to get, just snake oil like 99.9% of its target market nowadays. ;)
Lol. Ok buddy. Youre right Ive never used anything for myself.

All good Im actually done on this site. I never met soo many broke growers and haters in my life. Instead of listening to someone with a decade of growing experience and someone who been in the industry for a long time, u just wanna talk shit cuz products that are designed specifically for growing MJ must not work at all right? Lol.

There must be about 2-3 million braindead and brainwashed growers in the country who all swear by Roots Excel. But Im an idiot? lol.. I think u need to take a look in a mirror.

But than again ur also proly one of the idiots on here that thinks Dyna Gro and Jack Classic produces better flowers than Canna too. So maybe I should keep that in mind
A decade of growing means nothing. It's means you haw grown a plat for ten years, this proves zero knowledge of that you know what you are doing. Also when you come onto this site and tell EVERYONE who disagrees with you that they are wrong, and your right and only you are right, your gonna get some peoples attention. In a negative way. Take a step back and realize everyone does this process differently. You should not be butt hurt because people said they are not going to spend money on RE.

And broke growers? Yea there are some on here, but also some poeple who run warehouses making over 100k a year. Who are not going to waste money on shit they do not need. Especially when roots excel would cost over $1000 per run; 240 gallons of water a week, and that's for one of 4 rooms.

Do what works for you, and let others do what works for them. Your nutrient schedule is YOUR feeding schedule, don't try to push that shit.
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A decade of growing means nothing. It's means you haw grown a plat for ten years, this proves zero knowledge of that you know what you are doing. Also when you come onto this site and tell EVERYONE who disagrees with you that they are wrong, and your right and only you are right, your gonna get some peoples attention. In a negative way. Take a step back and realize everyone does this process differently. You should not be butt hurt because people said they are not going to spend money on RE.

And broke growers? Yea there are some on here, but also some poeple who run warehouses making over 100k a year. Who are not going to waste money on shit they do not need. Especially when roots excel would cost over $1000 per run; 240 gallons of water a week, and that's for one of 4 rooms.

Do what works for you, and let others do what works for them. Your nutrient schedule is YOUR feeding schedule, don't try to push that shit.
A ware house making only 100k lol u do 4 lights u shud be makin 100k a year w 4 runs per year thats roughly 32 lbs per year. Thats 100k right there on the low end. What r u talkin about dude lol.
A ware house making only 100k lol u do 4 lights u shud be makin 100k a year w 4 runs per year thats roughly 32 lbs per year. Thats 100k right there on the low end. What r u talkin about dude lol.
Your sir, are stupid. I'm not even gonna beat around the bush anymore. You are not calculating for mortgage, yearly land taxes, nutrients, medium the initial purchase and labor. Not to mention, I said over 100k, not 100k. I'm not gonna disclose every goddamn thing man. It's 6 digits a year PROFIT that's all that matters.

And just for kicks and giggles because I love proving people wrong...

32 lbs a year, at we will say 2400 a lb. is $76,800 without covering a penny of your overhead.

You are talking out your fucking ass.
Your sir, are stupid. I'm not even gonna beat around the bush anymore. You are not calculating for mortgage, yearly land taxes, nutrients, medium the initial purchase and labor. Not to mention, I said over 100k, not 100k. I'm not gonna disclose every goddamn thing man. It's 6 digits a year PROFIT that's all that matters.

And just for kicks and giggles because I love proving people wrong...

32 lbs a year, at we will say 2400 a lb. is $76,800 without covering a penny of your overhead.

You are talking out your fucking ass.

Maybe where u at i get 3500 on average for mine. So even at 3k a piece that 90k+. And thats only 4 lights buddy. U said a warehouse u shud b making millions w a warehouse.

My "boy" wink wink has 36 lights in 4 quadrants of 9k watts each on 2 week harvests. Anywhere from 15-20 units per quad every 2 weeks with one perpetual veg and bloom room. So lets just call that $3k per lbs on low end where Im at so now ur talking 30-40 units per month comes out to 90k-120k per month.

Electricity per month is a little over 3500$ per month. So u can just basically subtract 1 lbs per month off tab which does nothing.

The rent is $4500 per month lets call that 2 lbs so now where at 3 per month out of 30-40 lbs.

Nutrients get bought at wholesale by the drum for pennies on the dollar. I think it costs roughly 1800-2000$ per month depending on nutrients running. So well call that another 3/4-1 lbs just for good measure. So rounding up that 3.5/4 lbs max off every run for expenses out of 30-40 lbs which Ill round up again and call it 10%. U multiply that by 12 months out of the year we can round that number down and call it simply 10 months give or take any hiccups or issues multiplied by 90-120k is between 900,000-1.2 million and this is only at 10 months including expenses i drastically inflated just for good measure.

U wanna talk about a warehouse like this other dude speakin about with 80k watts. Ur talking about even if he got only 1.5 lbs per light thats 120 lbs every 2 months. Multiply that on low end at 2500$ per unit thats a profit of 300k every run. And thats low end. U get 2lbs per light at 3k per unit thats 160 units at 480k every 2 months u can turn that over 5x per year ur talking multi millions.

So ur an idiot
And im not talkin out my ass im actually talkin thru my keyboard ur just too stupid to process it.

I can tell u dont got many lights or get good results if u dont know how much money u can make just off of a 4 light run every year. And thats a small grower.
If u aint makin 100k per year off a 4 light run ur doing something wrong.

Especially if ur running cheap ass nutes that u guys love to talk about on here. But than again u proly arent gettin 2 lbs a light cuz u aint using the right shit anyways. So i had round down for u to comprehend.

And if that other dude thinks that the Current Culture is a waste of money he dont have the money to buy that system cuz that for the big dogs.

I seen people pulling down over 3lbs per 1000w light running DWC with the Current Culture setup using their nutrients. And if u go on youtube go check out Remo and he can show u how the shit is done. I think he pulled down 56 lbs off 18 lights of his Chemo Kush that was his final weigh in which is fckin ridiculous. But than again hes using AN so u dont know shit about that lol!
Maybe where u at i get 3500 on average for mine. So even at 3k a piece that 90k+. And thats only 4 lights buddy. U said a warehouse u shud b making millions w a warehouse.

My "boy" wink wink has 36 lights in 4 quadrants of 9k watts each on 2 week harvests. Anywhere from 15-20 units per quad every 2 weeks with one perpetual veg and bloom room. So lets just call that $3k per lbs on low end where Im at so now ur talking 30-40 units per month comes out to 90k-120k per month.

Electricity per month is a little over 3500$ per month. So u can just basically subtract 1 lbs per month off tab which does nothing.

The rent is $4500 per month lets call that 2 lbs so now where at 3 per month out of 30-40 lbs.

Nutrients get bought at wholesale by the drum for pennies on the dollar. I think it costs roughly 1800-2000$ per month depending on nutrients running. So well call that another 3/4-1 lbs just for good measure. So rounding up that 3.5/4 lbs max off every run for expenses out of 30-40 lbs which Ill round up again and call it 10%. U multiply that by 12 months out of the year we can round that number down and call it simply 10 months give or take any hiccups or issues multiplied by 90-120k is between 900,000-1.2 million and this is only at 10 months including expenses i drastically inflated just for good measure.

U wanna talk about a warehouse like this other dude speakin about with 80k watts. Ur talking about even if he got only 1.5 lbs per light thats 120 lbs every 2 months. Multiply that on low end at 2500$ per unit thats a profit of 300k every run. And thats low end. U get 2lbs per light at 3k per unit thats 160 units at 480k every 2 months u can turn that over 5x per year ur talking multi millions.

So ur an idiot
I'm done with you after this comment. All you have spit out is the money coming in. You hve not accounted for half of your expenses. What about the 60k it took to setup the warehouse? What about those in states were you have to pay taxes to get a grow license?
How about the time that went into it?

I'm running my grow like business you are running your grow like a "high school weedman".

No one is running a "million dollar grow op" by them selves, so once again you have forgot overhead of employees.

And as for the fact that you have been caught lying, red handed, means that nothing that comes out of your mouth has in validation. Anyone who has ran a decent size grow will look at the numbers you just posted and have a good time laughing at it.

Good luck with your future endeavors.
I'm done with you after this comment. All you have spit out is the money coming in. You hve not accounted for half of your expenses. What about the 60k it took to setup the warehouse? What about those in states were you have to pay taxes to get a grow license?
How about the time that went into it?

I'm running my grow like business you are running your grow like a "high school weedman".

No one is running a "million dollar grow op" by them selves, so once again you have forgot overhead of employees.

And as for the fact that you have been caught lying, red handed, means that nothing that comes out of your mouth has in validation. Anyone who has ran a decent size grow will look at the numbers you just posted and have a good time laughing at it.

Good luck with your future endeavors.
Dipshit u only pay for equipment one time dumb dumb. Its not a reococurring expense. So lets assume equipments paid for what fckin expenses did i miss? Nutes, rent and lights thats about it moron
I'm done with you after this comment. All you have spit out is the money coming in. You hve not accounted for half of your expenses. What about the 60k it took to setup the warehouse? What about those in states were you have to pay taxes to get a grow license?
How about the time that went into it?

I'm running my grow like business you are running your grow like a "high school weedman".

No one is running a "million dollar grow op" by them selves, so once again you have forgot overhead of employees.

And as for the fact that you have been caught lying, red handed, means that nothing that comes out of your mouth has in validation. Anyone who has ran a decent size grow will look at the numbers you just posted and have a good time laughing at it.

Good luck with your future endeavors.
BS all the big dispensary warehouses out here are run by 2 people one person per 50 lights in 100 light setups. One dude runs veg one runs bloom. And u dont need an army to work on plants u dumbass. And u only need people to trim thats only a few days for a couple hours when u got big dog trimmers. So get ur shit straight all big expenses are rent lights and nutrients which u buy in bulk wholesale for dirt. Bone head. Ur obviously an amateur but ur right LMAO!!
But i forgot equipment u gotta buy every month continuously when ur retarded like urself. only equipment w reocurring costs is bulbs u need maybe to do twice a year if that depending on what ur running. Everything else is one upfront cost. But u wud know cuz ur a big ass grower i can tell
U spend time on ur own grow dont yah u getting paid back is all profit. When u work for urself u dont bill urself for hours u put into ur business. Esp this business.

Paying taxes? OOOHHH I C LOL