Great way to celebrate a bday....


Well-Known Member
So todays my officially an old man... 22....pffft...anyway....last nite my boy gave me a dubb for my as i was proceedin to break up to roll a blunt to celebrate... i hear something small and hard hit the table.....a single seed. =) ive been wanting to start a grow for a loooong time now...but just never really pushed to get seeds...

now the bag it came from was a little dry but stoned the fuck outta im thinkin with a little TLC...and hopefully a female plant (fingers crossed) i can get this baby growin....and ill never let her go...considering it would be the first i ever grew and found on my bday.... =) funny how life throws in its little perks....

just wanted to goin to get lit....:bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint::weed::weed:bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie