great smoky mountains - north carolina green


Well-Known Member
any pointers for growing in the north carolina part of the great smoky mountains? outdoors.

are laurel thickets good? i plan to chop out areas in these dense thickets.
i plan to amend the soil, but considering the amount of rainfall should i take steps (polymer crystals) to help the roots hold water? or considering the rainfall should i plant in buckets/bags?
i plan to grow in hillside close to creeks but far enough off not to be effected by flooding.
miracle gro organic soil amended with perlite, 2 cubic feet per plant. chicken wire around each plant.
i want to create a situation where i do not visit them often.

any ideas of the average ph of nc mountain soil?

my line up is: c99, northern lights, ak-48, great white shark, red diesel, lemon skunk and then i got 9 autos to put out for a little early treat.

any advice from locals will be gratefully received.

thanks so much guys for all your help!