Page 2 of AZAMAX information/cautionary booklet-hazards to humans and domestic animals- harmfull if absorbed through the skin or INHALED. Avoid BREATHING vapor.Causes mild eye irratation. prolonged or frequently repeated skin contact may cause allergic reactions in some individuals. Avoid contact with skin,eyes or clothing. WASH THOROUGHLY WITH SOAP AND WATER AFTER HANDLING AND BEFORE EATING DRINKING CHEWING GUM, SMOKING, OR USING THE TOILET. If INHALED move person to fresh air, if person is not breathing call 911 or an ambulance then give c.p.r. call poison control. unless your scrubbing your buds with soap and water you shouldent use this product in flower. the booklet also says it is systemic wich means it actually goes INTO the plant (more so when used as a soil drench) and will stay IN your plant for 4 weeks. its only safe up till the day of harvest if its a tomato or something you can wash thoroughly with soap and water and if you havent soil drenched in 4 weeks. Not trying to tell you your wrong I just want people to know the facts as i am currently looking right at the azamax caution booklet. Its awesome for veg though, wiped out aphids with jacks dead bug and azamax mix in one treatment just make sure you rinse the shit out of em before flowering the plants.