Great Lakes Genetics ?

That was a fast and furious drop. Someone stole portable space ship from my cart but got everything else I wanted. With the site crashing and trying to grab everything fast, I think it’s time for a smoke.
That was a fast and furious drop. Someone stole portable space ship from my cart but got everything else I wanted. With the site crashing and trying to grab everything fast, I think it’s time for a smoke.
I looked at the portable. It said 1 pack in stock. But I didn't want that one anyway
It wasn't sold out, but I can't really aford to buy anyway so I was hoping it'd be there later. If any of the other 3 had been in stock, I might have taken the financial hit.
Covid budget around this house.
I get that... I wanted one of the limited things and could have got it, but really don't have the money right now so decided against it. FOMO can make you go broke real quick if you let it.
I get that... I wanted one of the limited things and could have got it, but really don't have the money right now so decided against it. FOMO can make you go broke real quick if you let it.
Tell that to the option buying robbinhood'ers before they get wiped out...FOMO my AHole. Except for bodhi drops, I confess I can't stop either like them. Maybe I should start a robbinhood seed app hmmmmmmm.
Question: How much would someone pay me for the right and by no means obligated, to buy anytime in the next 6 months portable spaceship? This "payment" is the cost to hold the option to buy portable space ship. You would still have to buy the portable spaceship let's say at $90, which is fixed for 6 months, including shipping.

(This is just a thought experiment :(. I missed out on the portable space ship but clearly people want it!)
There ar

I have pics of Putang and Run away Bride (Puntang x Cake fighter Bad dawg freebie) on the GLG thread on IG.

And he has some great write ups on all his strains on IG. Along with a lot of grower feed back.
Yeah all the stuff on your site is very well described, more then most others on there lol oooh I was not aware you had an Instagram I will have to go check that out! Thanks for the awesome feedback as always @Bad Dawg I'm thinking some of these will be my next pick up!
Coming Friday!
Mass Medical Strains - Chick Magnet
PuTang (MMS Cut) x Swabi Pakistani Landrace/Heirloom Reversed
Pre-packaged with Purple Sponge
All MMS purchases get you a Free 5-pack of Runaway Bride
#MassMedicalStrains #GreatLakesGenetics #Bad_Dawg_Genetics

Mass Medical Coming Soon 2.jpg
Hey guys... I've been looking all over but can't find an answer, what's the lineage behind Hillbilly Wedding? Assuming it's Tennessee Kush x "insert cake strain here"