Great Lakes Genetics ?

Ohso is salt of the earth. His chemdbx3 is still my fave Chemd is seed form. Cannelope skunk tasted like melons and was a headthumper. Always had real deal gear from legit sources, although some don't think it, Most of his lines are worked well and documented, so a person can make a choice or not. Your prices on his gear may be the lowest Ive ever remember, though but dude in the old days, would gift out a shitton also, he's like Gooey and Bodhi in that respect and Loompa used to be. 10 yrs ago, they'd give ya packs just for asking polite. Next best thing is still being able t acquire them at these kind of prices at GLG. JMHO

this prolly isn't the place to ask this so forgive me but can you tell me what is up with loompa farms since you mentioned them? ik they got legendary fire and have been so for a long time, hell they even shouted them out on that snoop dog show lol, but he seemed tied to that other shady site i won't mention here and i read one of their posts saying something along the lines of he knows dude is a crook but they make the most money there which seems kinda lame to me. i also watched john from loompa in an interview he seems legit so why on earth don't they make their beans available elsewhere or at least someplace i know is reputable? it seems like he uses shady vendors and i can't for the life of me understand why someone with their good reputation does this. any insight be nice, and feel free to DM it to me as i don't want to kick any hornets nests and hijack GLG's thread
yea, ive seen that too and on IG, loompapa seems a tad cantankerous most of the time. Having said that, Im not sure what happened, you see people using his HB lots o crosses, surely with his graces, I do know I gathered from postings around the time the fires were raging in Cali, they must have lost their house last year, not this year, and it seemed a bit of a sore subject, so maybe they been thru a shitstorm. Not to hijack either, but I know he sent me the yeti, og squared and some others on a simple request yrs ago. I never seen he himself posting, though.
yea, ive seen that too and on IG, loompapa seems a tad cantankerous most of the time. Having said that, Im not sure what happened, you see people using his HB lots o crosses, surely with his graces, I do know I gathered from postings around the time the fires were raging in Cali, they must have lost their house last year, not this year, and it seemed a bit of a sore subject, so maybe they been thru a shitstorm. Not to hijack either, but I know he sent me the yeti, og squared and some others on a simple request yrs ago. I never seen he himself posting, though.
thanks, i don't DM on insta tho so i wouldn't know how to make a request to him directly otherwise. to be clear i can't DM on insta as i use it from a pc not a phone. even on tablet mode in web dev tools it doesn't become available. i don't trust phone privacy what so ever so i don't even have the insta app. i have an I.t background to so fuck that phone shit. it leaves a trail like no other even with a vpn because of the app permissions. his thread seems like cancer so i don't bother to try there, seems like a bunch of pissed off ppl is all lol
thanks bodyne for the info
One thing I don't like about GLG's site is the breadcrumb doesn't show the breeder. Take this page for instance, which I found through a search, has no indication what breeder made it. The breadcrumb shows "Home > Strain" but if it showed "Home > Breeder > Strain" I could see what breeder it was and easily go to a page showing the other packs on offer. Many / most strains on GLG indicate the breeder in an image, but the page still lacks the navigation to make it easy to see the breeders other packs.
One thing I don't like about GLG's site is the breadcrumb doesn't show the breeder. Take this page for instance, which I found through a search, has no indication what breeder made it. The breadcrumb shows "Home > Strain" but if it showed "Home > Breeder > Strain" I could see what breeder it was and easily go to a page showing the other packs on offer. Many / most strains on GLG indicate the breeder in an image, but the page still lacks the navigation to make it easy to see the breeders other packs.
i have seen this on other sites, it depends on the back end server technologies your usinng. it may be a web design issue not an oversite or even bad webdesign. php may be the culprit idk
Better descriptive info needed always on GLG or nearly every bank site out there.
The bank owners keep saying it's not them and it's lazy breeders with little business sense. IMHO it is ridiculous that DBJ has to sift through Instagram to find pics of the strains he has for sale.

I used to think that legalization would bring professional breeders with business sense/partners but now I don't think so. Most consumers don't grow and most of the growers in legal markets would rather buy preselected clones. As legalization spreads, the market for chucks with the latest elites will dry up and the seed business will remain a cottage industry. It'll be a labor of love by and for a tiny minority of gourmets.
One thing I don't like about GLG's site is the breadcrumb doesn't show the breeder. Take this page for instance, which I found through a search, has no indication what breeder made it. The breadcrumb shows "Home > Strain" but if it showed "Home > Breeder > Strain" I could see what breeder it was and easily go to a page showing the other packs on offer. Many / most strains on GLG indicate the breeder in an image, but the page still lacks the navigation to make it easy to see the breeders other packs.

We had built a new site and launched it in Augest of 17. I sent a lot of money and was told the site would do so much better than it has. So I have Hired a new Web designer/Marketing company to make a new site and maintain it and help with social media.
I will Make a note of your suggestion and have the New crew try to work it in. @Observe & Report
You can expect a way more friendly user experience.

And in this case the breeder was Oasis Genetics. And I pulled the strain because it was to old to sell.
It must show up in a search because the info is still in the system.
I have pulled several older strains and will be giving them out as "Getting old freebies". Not as your normal freebie. But as a bonus freebie.I would rather give them away as to throw them away.
Better descriptive info needed always on GLG or nearly every bank site out there.

I ask all of you to ask the breeders for more info. I spend a lot of time trying to find info that should have been sent with my order.
I have went and took info from here and there and then have people make me take it down.
Or I get a pic that was posted as something it is not.

I tried to be a hard ass and tell some breeders I would not make a order until they send me pics and descriptions. But It back firered. The other seed banks bought the gear and made the sales and me and my customers missed out on the gear.

And Anyone that has any input into what they Like/dis like on the site let me know.
We will use any input to try and make the new site better.

Thanks and have a Super Weekend.

I ask all of you to ask the breeders for more info. I spend a lot of time trying to find info that should have been sent with my order.
I have went and took info from here and there and then have people make me take it down.
Or I get a pic that was posted as something it is not.

I tried to be a hard ass and tell some breeders I would not make a order until they send me pics and descriptions. But It back firered. The other seed banks bought the gear and made the sales and me and my customers missed out on the gear.

And Anyone that has any input into what they Like/dis like on the site let me know.
We will use any input to try and make the new site better.

Thanks and have a Super Weekend.
Have you been in touch with Dynasty or Dominion about carrying their gear? Both have excellent descriptions of the majority of their products.
I want to thank "shaggyballs" he sent me this Video. Very cool thing. I was happy to say the least.
I am trying to patch it into our TV ,and play it at half time and tell my friends I am going to be on the Half time show.
If we smoke enough I may be able to fool a few of them.
Is my order lost? Order #5226
I bought the most expensive seed pack in your shop 10 days ago and you collected the cash from p.O box on Monday yet I've not received a tracking and it still says processing and no response to my email. Kinda far from "priding yourself on prompt shipping". You certainly were prompt picking up the cash, it was in your p.o box for under 2 hours.