You are perceiving this in your own way, which is different from the intended vibe. And that's fine, but to clarify:The point I was making is advertising works. Calling something a name where you would be embarrassed to tell someone the name is STUPID. As is saying hey it is stupid, but they sold out in 4 minutes so its OK.
It says a lot about the maturity of the seed company. It shows a lack of understanding of history and also a disrespect for what we are doing, which is look for great strains.
He has every right to create stupid names that a REAL patient would run away from or that a heterosexual person would be offended by.
Nobody who works with him would tell him because hes the boss but I did, not to be a dick but to try and see how he would respond.
Response says immature, here to make a buck we are partying and any feedback that he doesnt like just is ignored. Not impressed.
People getting offended by a word that exists, and a name that is used for something they dont need to buy, is their own choice. I am not insulting any individual, claiming they use glory holes or some stupid shit. There are all kinds of music and other items you can buy in the world that have dumb or funny names, that for sure will "upset" people who dont think they are funny, but it doesn't matter. People will always take things personal when it had nothing to do with them.
I am not embarrassed by any names I use. I will say it to peoples face and 9 out of 10 times they laugh. A smile is a good thing, try one on!
I don't disrespect people "looking for great strains" by the way. The whole reason I breed is to create new unique, potent, enjoyable stuff, preserve special things, and combine or improve upon great strains. I'm a picky smoker and want unique, powerful, memorable, etc. and that's the whole damn point. Who cares if it's called Money Shot or Lemonade? Get the ones that appeal to you and ignore the ones that don't. If the name turns you off you have two choices. Don't get it, or get it. Then if you get it, you can grow it. It's a plant.
I love feedback, so thank you, and I read and consider it all, but doesn't mean I have to agree with it. The names will be as ridiculous as they can be, and some will be pretty damn normal too.
Check out this PuTang x Bye Ya plant, a freebie collab by Bad Dawg given thru Great Lakes. Anyone ever seen a two tone plant like this? It's only on one single branch! Rest is green. Smells amazing

Have an awesome day everyone!