Sexx Pistils
Active Member
So I put some grass & weed clippings (being careful to not include any dirt or roots) in a large water jug about 5-6 days ago & covered them with water. After leaving the lid off for a day to help the chlorine evaporate, I put the lid back on the container as that's what all the "recipes" tell you to do. I made sure to vent it by removing the lid daily & stirring the mixture around.

Stink Tea
So I go to use the tea today and HOLY SH*T does it smell terrible! I would describe it as 100 dead rats roasting in the July sun with a twist of halitosis & cow shit. I applied a little diluted tea to my plant about 2 hours ago & it hasn't drooped or died yet, but I have to wonder how safe that stuff could be if it smells that rank?
Is this just what rotting grass is supposed to smell like? Or is it actually turning harmful? All the recipes I've read instruct you to let the tea steep for up to 2 weeks. It's only been about 6 days.
I'm trying to decide whether to throw the stuff out or not. I don't have a fancy aerator machine or what have you. If this method doesn't work I'll just scrap the whole thing. Thanks~

Stink Tea
So I go to use the tea today and HOLY SH*T does it smell terrible! I would describe it as 100 dead rats roasting in the July sun with a twist of halitosis & cow shit. I applied a little diluted tea to my plant about 2 hours ago & it hasn't drooped or died yet, but I have to wonder how safe that stuff could be if it smells that rank?
Is this just what rotting grass is supposed to smell like? Or is it actually turning harmful? All the recipes I've read instruct you to let the tea steep for up to 2 weeks. It's only been about 6 days.
I'm trying to decide whether to throw the stuff out or not. I don't have a fancy aerator machine or what have you. If this method doesn't work I'll just scrap the whole thing. Thanks~