Grannie Grower

I have just harvested my plants and the buds have what looks like spider webs in them. No spiders are evident, so I'm not sure if this is the problem. It may also be a fungus of some kind. Can anyone help me with this. I hate to lose my crop.


webbing is a good sign of mite infestation. When harvesting plants hang them next to a living plant (of low importance) the mites should make a mass exodus to the living plants.

Oh and a water cure can wash the rest out, 7 days does it carefully change the water every day . No odour or much flavour after water cure but no crackling mites and smooth taste.

Clean your grow room and spray with something like spidermite control or neem if still in veg.

Good luck, I have battled with the borg for many many moons.

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
webbing is a good sign of mite infestation. When harvesting plants hang them next to a living plant (of low importance) the mites should make a mass exodus to the living plants.

Oh and a water cure can wash the rest out, 7 days does it carefully change the water every day . No odour or much flavour after water cure but no crackling mites and smooth taste.

Clean your grow room and spray with something like spidermite control or neem if still in veg.

Good luck, I have battled with the borg for many many moons.
