grandmas tomatoe garden?


Active Member
ok i have to move and can not grow indoors anymore....i hada great idea gramdma grows the best and biggest tomatoes every year and all kind of other veg. but i got to thinkin and said damn why spend all this money and i can have my grandma grow them in the garden with the tomatoes atleast 3 weed plants to every row wich would hold prob 15 to 10 tomato plants...they get great sun she has been growing in this soil for 15 years and i take care of the garden now so she wouldn't go in there and see anything..what do yall think they get ferts and water and sun and alot of tlc.....give me feed first outdoorgrow


Active Member
anybody? bump!
sorry bot the bump and what is so sketchy? she doesn't know i tend to the garden all she does is buy mom knows about it her daughter she will help me keep everybodyout nobody goes in there nobody would fuckin help her with the garden for years but i took over it a cpl years ago and me and her grow good veggies so...what ya think


Well-Known Member
A tomato bed is a perfect place to conceal cannabis plants. Sun, soil, and water requirements are near identical for both plants.

However, the larger question is: Will Granny know you are hiding some drug war refugees in her garden?

If this is done without her knowledge/consent, as seems to be the case, it is a bad idea.


Well-Known Member
Yup, ask Gramma first. Back in high school, i tried to sneak in a couple of starters in my moms garden. To say the least, I got busted and was forced to go full stealth.

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
Please don't do this to your granny :(

If you and your mom want to grow weed together then do it elsewhere.... not at poor unsuspecting granny's house.


Well-Known Member
Please don't do this to your granny :(

If you and your mom want to grow weed together then do it elsewhere.... not at poor unsuspecting granny's house.

Why not? If you can keep it good and hidden and don’t tell anybody feel free who cares. Now if you get busted that is your own damn fault and you and granny will pay for it. If you keep it small and hidden as in don’t show anyone… and that means anybody you should be grand.

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
Why not? If you can keep it good and hidden and don’t tell anybody feel free who cares.

If the property does not belong to you then you have no right to grow there without the owner's permission.... THAT'S WHY NOT!

Sounds like something an immature spoiled brat with a sense of entitlement would do.


Active Member
sorry bot the bump and what is so sketchy? she doesn't know i tend to the garden all she does is buy mom knows about it her daughter she will help me keep everybodyout nobody goes in there nobody would fuckin help her with the garden for years but i took over it a cpl years ago and me and her grow good veggies so...what ya think
We use miracle grow ferts every other water she turns the water on in the morning and it runs for a couple hours then all day in the sun inbetween the tomatos. i wanna keep them the same heighth as the tomatos. i am going to veg. them indoors first at my cuz house then we will put them in the dirt the day we put the tomatos is really good dark top soil that has been tilled,grown in for i know it is good soil and we will only put females in..kill off all males before they leave. need feed back...something that might help.


Active Member
just two or three i ain't worried bout shit...ill tell her it is some kinda out door flower i wanna try and she will sayok baby what ever you want....tell her they are like marigolds they stink and keep bugs away....hhahahahahahahaha!!!

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
just two or three i ain't worried bout shit...ill tell her it is some kinda out door flower i wanna try and she will sayok baby what ever you want....tell her they are like marigolds they stink and keep bugs away....hhahahahahahahaha!!!

Uhhh ok.... I'll be keeping my eye out for a future thread titled "Neighbor narced us out, granny taken away in handcuffs" :(


Active Member grandma has been in this house in the country the middle of nowhere for 19 years this year i ain't worried about that 90 year old women 2 miles down the road.....or she might stumble down here and smoke one wid me who knows?....

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member grandma has been in this house in the country the middle of nowhere for 19 years this year i ain't worried about that 90 year old women 2 miles down the road.....or she might stumble down here and smoke one wid me who knows?....

HAHA... all right man... best of luck to you.

If granny catches on she just might bust out the belt and give you a whippin


Active Member
ok... now that we desided to grow at the schedule ok? i think the tomatos get fert 3 times a week but get watered every morning she puts the ferts in the splitter between the two hoses that go to the sprinkler in the is on till the fertilizer is gone out of the cup or if not ferts then she waters for atleast 1 hour to 2 hours a day.....its a tall srtinkler that gives off enough amount of water that it soaks the ground.....

skippy pb

Well-Known Member
Please don't do this to your granny :(

If you and your mom want to grow weed together then do it elsewhere.... not at poor unsuspecting granny's house.
I see your point and I dont disagree but anyways I always see you in these types of posts and your always like NO NO NO DONT GROW. WAIT TILL YOUR OLDER!

Just wondering but how come your always downing these grows?

I understand the whole its being an irresponsible pothead type thing and the risk your taking and having the potential danger of getting others in trouble.

I understand that and im with you on all that but what I dont get is like, these kids are gunna do it anyway. Like you telling then no isn't gunna do shit, no offense but thats how kids work, right?

Idk I know becasue when i was in high school i grew and smoked and such and all that junk and stuff. Because like how can you not. Reverse this YOU STOP GROWING AND SMOKING RIGHT NOW for two months. I bet you wont.

Oh and another thing, all my friends in highschool that got caught doing all this crap in there parents house never got there parents introuble. They owuld do it in there room and such and it would fall on them.

My advice would be DO NOT grow, smoke or whatever with out the permission of your parents and stuff. BUT if your going to do it anyway make sure your taking the fall and make sure you are as responsible as can be.

Sorry for the rant but im just saying might as well be alittle productive instead of just shooting out words for no reason.

Thats just my 2 cents. So dont come yelling at me cause it was my own fucked up opinon, sorry to have offended anyone if i did... BUT if you do come cry, whyning, yelling, etc.. at me, well then... haha :finger: i dont care.:dunce:

skippy pb

Well-Known Member
If the property does not belong to you then you have no right to grow there without the owner's permission.... THAT'S WHY NOT!

Sounds like something an immature spoiled brat with a sense of entitlement would do.

Oh and no offense to you AGAIN really but everytime i read your posts you sound like some girl fresh out of college/or in college who just got her own first apartment and got all her stuff over there from your room in daddys house and is now giving everyone else shit.

Just what it sounds like to me

NEVERMIND!!!!!!!!! on your last post you sounded cool.