granddadyturf getting better


Active Member
here some new pix i hope you guys can see i post more baby girl is getting better im goin to give one more week. my other girl is white rhino loking good too..............:-P



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any clue on why the leave reach up like that instead of just hovering flat like a canopy j/w casue mine are doing it to but some arent


Active Member
no clue but i notice that im not meesing with fertilize again so im going to try giver yes purefied water and food plant by the way thas my white rhino on you rigth on the left you got the grand dady turf.............


Active Member
thanks robert for giving my more hope. and like you said you saw worst............... i remember last summer i got my girl out door then the big stamp on the midlewas all budding then my stuped brother throw some spray the kill bugs and spiders the middle was getting dry and the buding too so we leaft like that ...month later was green ass but no buds so we cuted and dry the leaves and puted and alcohol...for the bones wen they hurt...................................


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hey robert the funny part is the my bro fuck the last year and this year im tha want who fuck everithing every time im there with my girls my bro keep say why i have to touched the plant...... i told hem dont worried its going to take a while but were not going to give up..........................