it was never relevant...but i agree with everything else you said.No shit, that is some intelligent inspiring video there... I bet Bob marley,peter tosh, nelson mandela and Martin luther the KING are stoked about where this generation has taken all there freedom fighting... . wooty wooty ninja what.... that shit was relevant in 95 when big and pac where around... and all OG's no this man... how about having some original thoughts and posts???? If you aint part of the solution you part of the problem....
i know man, i get worked up about that kinda stuff... my was never relevant...but i agree with everything else you said.
to the op: good luck im scribed, love to see some new pix
lookin solid brudda... where is norcal???
lol i thought those were norcals plants, what happened to nor cals grow?
You must be norcals Big Brother? lolI think norcal got banned lolwink wink...
hell ya glad youre here to fonish nor-clas grow for him im ready to see them finishedYa im Norcals bro he ould me to make an account to finish the growso the guys that took the plants are cool i was watering yesterday and they saw my truck parked up at the road so they knew i was there. so they started the the path to my grow saying hey its your friend dont shoot me its just me lol funny shit i trust this guy though should make it to harvest! may only pull a pound but hey shit happens man ya i lost 6 plants long story but there budding nicely now and should be ready at the end of septemeber want to get them cut down and ready for sale before novemeber to maximize profits. sprayed them with some safer 3-1 fungicide works like a charm hell they might be half pounders never know but hey gotta take what you can theres always a risk in this bussiness my bro is getting over his dui and is going strong so i hope you all stay tuned as this harvest gets closer and thank all you for your support and encouragement so im gonna say this lets fucking do this!!
LOL, he will be missed... winkI think norcal got banned lolwink wink...
nice plants bro, a jpeg bigger than 8k would be nice tho