• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Grammatical Annoyances


Well-Known Member
dear sir..:hug:

wow, how ironic i was going to post about my pet peeve

and went to the last page to post it and low and behold

the last post ACTUALLY contains said peeve.

the correct use of the phrase is: "couldnt care less"

NOT "could care less". if you could care less- this

literally means you CARE A LITTLE BIT.

no big deal-but it does make you look ignorant.

P.S. ( i dont use caps, and like to write with run-on sentences so im not perfect either)

sarcasm, i really could care less if you correct people. the nazi part was a joke. i am sure you knew this with the that engorged, pulsing brain.[/QU
my pet peeve is someone who cant quote right. if you cant use the board right it makes you look simple lol.:neutral:


Active Member
dear sir..:hug:

wow, how ironic i was going to post about my pet peeve

and went to the last page to post it and low and behold

the last post ACTUALLY contains said peeve.

the correct use of the phrase is: "couldnt care less"

NOT "could care less".[/QU
yeah its logically annoying. i mean...you could say that to someone you love and its true. why say it then?

double negatives too. its one thing to occasionally screw that up, but others do it on purpose and they aint losing no sleep over it.

dear sir..:hug:

sarcasm, i really could care less if you correct people. the nazi part was a joke. i am sure you knew this with the that engorged, pulsing brain.
i understand the term "spelling nazi" thanks for the free internet colloquial tutoring. oh and thanks for the hug. i totally have half a stack dude.


Well-Known Member
man there are some butchers of the english language in this forum. does it get to anyone else? i mean, we all have are literal quirks...for instance i refuse to use the 'shift' key. in a hurry i can often mix 'your' and 'you're', yet know the difference between the two. i'll often break up or downright butcher proper sentence structure because i prefer to type in the same manner that i speak...
but wow i see some people here are on the grammar/spelling level of the average 12 year old. others are...ok, but seem to exhibit many holes in their english education. ...and yes, i'm aware that some folks here speak english as a second language-kudos to them.

so point it out here and correct it. maybe a few will read this thread and learn something new and better their communication skills as a result.

here's one that irritates me:

"would of" "should of" "could of"

...instead of:

"would have" "should have" "could have"

oh and please, don't quote people or make it obvious that you're mocking them.
for all intensive purposes, this is not an attack thread. i'm hoping that this thread might actually be constructive. ok so....anyone?

(oh, i threw another common error in there....first person who points out gets an internet cookie :p )
Beautiful irony. :lol: :clap:


Well-Known Member
that "are" is a mindfuck. i never mix 'are' and 'our'. even spellchecker cant fuck that up...WOW! either i rephrased the sentence from a "we are all..." statement or i have alzheimer's.

good eye
Haha ...just messin' with you, brother. ;)
Cheer's for the thread. :peace:


Active Member
Haha ...just messin' with you, brother. ;)
Cheer's for the thread. :peace:
no, it doesnt bug me that you pointed it out. it bugs me because its a mindfuck. another mindfuck is when i make a typo but instead of gibberish its actually another word. on top of that it can often totally change the meaning of what i'm saying. do you know what i meat?


Well-Known Member
no, it doesnt bug me that you pointed it out. it bugs me because its a mindfuck. another mindfuck is when i make a typo but instead of gibberish its actually another word. on top of that it can often totally change the meaning of what i'm saying. do you know what i meat?
I totally know what you are sane. ;)


Active Member
it only anoys me when they do it constantly. its especially anoying
when its a really simple word that was likely taught in 3rd grade.
thats something i just can't help getting anoyed at.


Well-Known Member
Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn’t mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a total mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh?


Well-Known Member
it only anoys me when they do it constantly. its especially anoying
when its a really simple word that was likely taught in 3rd grade.
thats something i just can't help getting anoyed at.
PVS I appreciate this thread as grammatical errors are an annoyance of mine.
I can't help but notice almost every post you make is grammatically incorrect

.....wouldn't that be the pot calling the kettle black?


Active Member
PVS I appreciate this thread as grammatical errors are an annoyance of mine.
I can't help but notice almost every post you make is grammatically incorrect

.....wouldn't that be the pot calling the kettle black?

here look at the silly monkey:


Well-Known Member
I'm with you on the "would of" "should of" "could of" thing. I think that's my biggest pet peeve when it comes to spelling. I realize people are just mis-hearing the conjunctions "would've" "should've" and "could've", but seriously, I remember learning about conjunctions in like second grade. Not to mention the definition of the word "of" should lead one to realize it has no place in the context of the phrase.

At any rate, another peeve of mine is people who don't use punctuation. Commas, especially. I love commas because they're great, and you can use them, a lot. Pretty much any sentence longer than six or seven words can use a comma, you know? Asking questions without using a question mark ticks me off, too, especially when the question is poorly worded so it's impossible to determine if it's a question or a statement.

I'm not perfect in my spelling and grammar, but I'm pretty darn close. I can usually get through a five page paper with no spellcheck alerts.


hey maskatoosh my comment wasnt aimed at you . i didnt mean YOU look ignorant. sorry if i offended you. i just hit reply-- and it quoted you-not my fault.

seems to be some glitches in these forums. although i should say it is easier to understand the difference between "could/ couldnt care less'" than it is to post on here.

so your pet peeve doesnt make any sense. one would understand the difference between " could" and " couldnt" by the time they were in kindergarten. right?

not understanding the meaning of basic words makes one look simple.


Well-Known Member
i'll be honest my spelling etc gets worse as the beers go down. by 3 in the morning im practically illiterate! lol. t@intshredder i read 5 pages of this with the intention of pointing out the "are" "our" mis-hap in the opening post. can't believe you ruined it for me! lol


Well-Known Member
man there are some butchers of the english language in this forum. does it get to anyone else? i mean, we all have are literal quirks...for instance i refuse to use the 'shift' key. in a hurry i can often mix 'your' and 'you're', yet know the difference between the two. i'll often break up or downright butcher proper sentence structure because i prefer to type in the same manner that i speak...
but wow i see some people here are on the grammar/spelling level of the average 12 year old. others are...ok, but seem to exhibit many holes in their english education. ...and yes, i'm aware that some folks here speak english as a second language-kudos to them.

so point it out here and correct it. maybe a few will read this thread and learn something new and better their communication skills as a result.

here's one that irritates me:

"would of" "should of" "could of"

...instead of:

"would have" "should have" "could have"

oh and please, don't quote people or make it obvious that you're mocking them.
for all intensive purposes, this is not an attack thread. i'm hoping that this thread might actually be constructive. ok so....anyone?

(oh, i threw another common error in there....first person who points out gets an internet cookie :p )

i know how to do the quote thing now!


Lighten up just a little. Remember, grammatical errors can be their own art form. Remember Archie Bunker? "I just don't want you to do nothing on the sperm of the moment." Or how about this classic, "Hell hath no fury like a woman's corns." And who can forget the classic, "My doctor tells me I got a communications disease."
Other fine artist include: Dan Quayle - "What a waste it is to lose one's mind. Or not to have a mind is being very wasteful. How true that is."
GW Bush - "Anyone engaging in illegal financial transactions will be caught and persecuted."
Al Gore - "A zebra does not change its spots"
And more are made every day...