
so is that it then finny @

its a good topic this and your not joining in ...... Why?

i started a thread a while ago about grafting cannabis and it turned out its a commen thing and many people do it . ....... Im thinking of trying it myself in a " mainy's cannabis grafting technique" thread .

there's a cafe damm where a guy has about 10 different strains on a mother plant , he keeps in veg and just uses it for cuttings :)

its something people should look into for there mother plants :)

so im gunna try it when iv finished with my massive 200 sog teqniqui thread

good luck finny and do me one favour before i die of liver cirrhosis finny .................. Fucking join kid !!! toughen up and give as much as you take :)

so is that it then finny @

its a good topic this and your not joining in ...... Why?

i started a thread a while ago about grafting cannabis and it turned out its a commen thing and many people do it . ....... Im thinking of trying it myself in a " mainy's cannabis grafting technique" thread .

there's a cafe damm where a guy has about 10 different strains on a mother plant , he keeps in veg and just uses it for cuttings :)

its something people should look into for there mother plants :)

so im gunna try it when iv finished with my massive 200 sog teqniqui thread

good luck finny and do me one favour before i die of liver cirrhosis finny .................. Fucking join kid !!! toughen up and give as much as you take :)

if you were dying id probably be nicer to you. But nothing you say can be believed
if you were dying id probably be nicer to you. But nothing you say can be believed
your beliefs mean nothing to me

and you being nice or nasty to me ..... Means nothing too

everything means nothing to me , life is irrelvant until i start my new " mainys grafting teqnique thread "

the it will mean everything, but until then ....... Nothing means everything and some ;)
your beliefs mean nothing to me

and you being nice or nasty to me ..... Means nothing too

everything means nothing to me , life is irrelvant until i start my new " mainys grafting teqnique thread "

the it will mean everything, but until then ....... Nothing means everything and some ;)
No entendi una palabra de eso. gracias
Grafting is something that many people have not heard of, but it can really help when making an Outdoor Altar. Below are trees Grafted by Axel Erlandson

Here is Axel Erlandson sitting in a Chair, and the Chair is actually still growing out of the ground. He just grafted it to look like a chair.

The method he used to do this is called "Tree Shaping".

Grafting is where you take the top of one plant and connect it to the bottom of another plant.

One of the most common things people graft is a Cactus, they will find a large cactus and graft smaller cacti on to it.

You can graft small plants onto a larger plant, and the smaller plant will use the Root System of the larger plant to grow bigger than it would have on its own.

This works with most Sacred Herbs, including Marijuana. Which allows for someone to start a plant in an indoor altar, then finish it at an outdoor altar. This is the only picture I could find of Marijuana growing on top of another plant, but altars should be in more private places, not in parking lots.

Shaping your grafted plants is called Tree Shaping or Espalier.

Arthur Wiechula invented methods for growing trees to use as Housing.

Christopher Cattle & John Krubsack created all kinds of Methods for making Furniture this way

And now MIT is working on how to make "Fab Tree Habs" which is like a Large Tree House that is built into a Tree that was groomed into being a house.

it is quite amazing what you can do with a plant and the pics are amazing.......... There's a guy on the end of my road and he does all this training and topiary in his garden ..... His trees curl round his garage!!! Its mad lol.

iv been doing lst/training/topiary for many years before cannabis just on basic house plants for fun ...... Im that kinda guy ;)

but since being on this site iv notice that you can use light as a tool to train your plant to where you want i think Its called light topiary which is a clever way to train a plant :)

my grow box is high enough to grow a full size plant but its on its side lol ( for space reseasons) so i have to use all these techniques and more!! To get my plant where i want it lol !!

training a tree into an actual home to live is something iv never seen before ......... Pretty cool man :)
This is getting old, he showed some cool pics.And everybody hated on him.. I am just not cool with picking on him anymore.. you guys can have fun. but I am leaving him alone