Grafting Cannabis


Well-Known Member
I was wondering if their was a way to graft different types of cannabis onto one plant. You see, I have a very small area to house 1 mother plant. I would love to be able to graft many different strains onto a single plant. This way I can just take cuttings from the grafted branches.


Well-Known Member
I was wondering if their was a way to graft different types of cannabis onto one plant. You see, I have a very small area to house 1 mother plant. I would love to be able to graft many different strains onto a single plant. This way I can just take cuttings from the grafted branches.

should work.


Well-Known Member
I have grafted citrus trees before, should I use the same method? If some one has a 99% successful way of going about it please clue me in.


Well-Known Member
I have grafted citrus trees before, should I use the same method? If some one has a 99% successful way of going about it please clue me in.

i would just cut off a branch at an angle then tape a different one in it's place.:mrgreen:

i've broken branches off big plants outside. the whole branch broke completely off. i just suck it back in place and wrapped it well. it did fine. i would think it would be pretty easy to graft it.


Well-Known Member

i really want to make some awesome monster plants now:mrgreen: well call her frankenstein v2.0


Too many brownies
i would just cut off a branch at an angle then tape a different one in it's place.:mrgreen:

i've broken branches off big plants outside. the whole branch broke completely off. i just suck it back in place and wrapped it well. it did fine. i would think it would be pretty easy to graft it.
Yeah ive done the same with my outdoor plants....its like grafting the limb back onto itself basiclly hahaha...

so yeah man I would try it and then let us know how it works....It would be cool to do this and flower a plant with about 5 strains grafted onto could really compare the differences in each of the strains since you know for an absolute fact they are getting the same nutes, watering schedule etc.


Well-Known Member
i would just cut off a branch at an angle then tape a different one in it's place.:mrgreen:

i've broken branches off big plants outside. the whole branch broke completely off. i just suck it back in place and wrapped it well. it did fine. i would think it would be pretty easy to graft it.
Yeah, I figured. I broke a stem trying to tie the top to the bottom and it is fine now. I do exactly how you mentioned above with citrus, except I put a notch in the flesh of both pieces. Kind of how a drawer is built, so the 2 ends slide together snug. I will be trying this after I regenerate my 3 plants, then I will make 1 out of 3. I am also thinking about ordering some skunk 1 seeds and getting 5 red shiva seeds free, so I will be adding a cutting from the best females on it as well. I guess I can just buy different color pieces of string so I know what's what.


Well-Known Member
Now for the next question. Would you only get charged for cultivating 1 plant if you were caught? I think over 10 plants here and you start to get into real trouble.


Well-Known Member
Would the grafted plant take on any of the 'mother ships' characteristics?

Or would it just be an island onto itself?
My mother has a tree in her back yard that grows grapefruit, oranges, tangelos, and lemons. Also, I read a thing about scientist trying to graft hops and cannabis, the hops grafted to the cannabis roots never produced THC. This is only what I read so do not take my word for it, except the GOTL tree. A tangelo is a cross between an orange and a tangerine, the tangerine branch wouldn't take for some reason so she used the tangelo.


New Member
i recall reading that people tried to graft cannabis onto another rootstock to see if there was any benifit (i believed they used hops) and it was unsuccesful because of a long recovery time and its only an annual plant. Cannabis doesn't seem to take too well to grafting.

maybe it might work to graft one canabis plant to another. let us know.


Well-Known Member
i recall reading that people tried to graft cannabis onto another rootstock to see if there was any benifit (i believed they used hops) and it was unsuccesful because of a long recovery time and its only an annual plant. Cannabis doesn't seem to take too well to grafting.

maybe it might work to graft one canabis plant to another. let us know.
That is the same thing I was talking about. They tried to see if grafting a pot plant onto a hops rootsystem would create a plant to make hemp from with 0 THC. It was unsuccesful because the buds still had THC in them. We must have read the same thing, again I have never tried it.


Well-Known Member
I will be attempting this in a month or so. I will graft my 3 plants onto 1 stem, or try to!:blsmoke:

Any suggestions would be great, since I have no experience with this plant.:confused: I do have experience grafting citrus and cacti.


Well-Known Member
I will be attempting this in a month or so. I will graft my 3 plants onto 1 stem, or try to!:blsmoke:

Any suggestions would be great, since I have no experience with this plant.:confused: I do have experience grafting citrus and cacti.

it's just another plant. keep it simple.:blsmoke::peace: i'll be watching.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Also, the warden has advised me sertan plants will NOT be uploaded to her computer. I will take pictures of the cuts and where it heals, anyone with experience will know they are Cannabis stems, hehehe!


Well-Known Member
yes it is possible to graft different strains together have seen it before just with 1 branch from diffstrain growing on aplant mates experiment


Well-Known Member
I would think a heavy foliar feeding would aid in carb production and provide more
water to last the healing of the graft. like you do a mother for cloning. just a thought..
I'd love to be able to get a mixed grafted clone with 3 strains, where is the future allready? !!lol


Well-Known Member
This sounds like a really interesting future project for me! I've never even thought about the possibilities of grafting cannabis. I might have the next year ahead of me! Maybe a Skunk-NL-Purple Haze-Kush-BC plant? Or how about a Skunk-Jack Herer-God's Gift plant? or maybe ... wow the possibilities are endless lol the first discussion that has really got my attention in quite a long time ...


Well-Known Member
This sounds like a really interesting future project for me! I've never even thought about the possibilities of grafting cannabis. I might have the next year ahead of me! Maybe a Skunk-NL-Purple Haze-Kush-BC plant? Or how about a Skunk-Jack Herer-God's Gift plant? or maybe ... wow the possibilities are endless lol the first discussion that has really got my attention in quite a long time ...
My girls are almost done flowering. After about a month of vegging I'm giving it a shot.

I am actualy in the process of grafting a San Pedro root stock upside down ontop of another San Pedro cactus root stock. I am hoping this will create many baby cacti where the roots are growing from on the upside down San Pedro. I have had success doing this with L. wiliamsii tap roots, I grafted them upside down on top of San Pedro root stocks. The only difference is that San Pedro has a different type of root system then Peyote. Wish me luck!:peace: