Graff... Very High Art...


Active Member
Used to be a writer back iN the day. Joined one of the oldest crews IN l.a. Been around since the early 80's... Been so long since i busted out the krylon...


Well-Known Member
that shits tight man. Im downloading a GRAFF simulator game thing for PC now....Its pretty realistic graphics.....But that work is awesome man....Great talent.


Active Member
Used to be a writer back iN the day. Joined one of the oldest crews IN l.a. Been around since the early 80's... Been so long since i busted out the krylon...
Well your definately flexing your age cause nobody uses krylon anymore... but yeah if your makin a life with it you gotta move to someplace im not....


Well-Known Member
mmmm love me a german cap on some montana black, ny skinny pos.... actually been starting up the black book lately. Gotta love blazing and drawin up something fresh


Active Member
... dont forget about the Rusto... Ill get some more stuff up here today... "For all my heads on the edge about to break it loose"

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
:joint::hump: Dude, your grafitti is some of the best I have ever seen. I would love to see some of your drawings. I wish my town had someone with your talents to make it more colorful....:peace: