It’s “one on three,” Trump repeatedly complained.
OCTOBER 10, 2016 9:07 AM

“Trump looks and sounds defeated. Almost incoherent...”

Marc Lamont Hill, Morehouse College professor



Hillary Clinton won the first debate against Donald Trump more decisively. | Getty

CNN poll: 57 percent of viewers say Clinton won the debate
By Madeline Conway

10/10/16 12:48 AM EDT

Polls suggest Hillary Clinton won the 2nd presidential debate
Updated by Andrew Prokop @awprokop Oct 10, 2016, 12:09a


UPI/CVoter poll: Clinton pulls into 5-point lead over Trump

By Eric DuVall | Oct. 10, 2016 at 9:24 AM


Seems like everyone is saying trump won last night.back in the game baby lol.
That snl opening sketch was funny as hell. Next week should be a doozy
The only thing Bill did wrong was he lied about it, literally no one gives half a shit that he got his dick sucked.
Yes, but he lied to congress (paving the way for his wife's lying to the congress, the FBI, the american people, etc.)
I'm sure there were plenty of dicks sucked by Willy to get out of impeachment for that.

<Favorite quotes from last nights "shellacking" of Trump>

Clit'n = "Well if you go to our website and check the fact checker there......"
Dumph = "You should be in jail."

Which one got the response from the audience?
He grabbed us all by the pussy last night and our political process is showing signs of a serious infection now.
When the DNC was outed colluding with Hitlery's campaign, the MSM, and Google to fuck Bernie it was showing robust health?
Um yeah....riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.
You do realize that he's not running, right?
Again, since you seem to have missed it even though it was in the same post I replied to you in:

"You're right though, Willy is not running this cycle. Only his rape enabling wife is. ;)"

Is there a reason you had to reiterate the statement after I had posted the reply?
Since it was addressed specifically in the same post as I replied to you in even though I was answering the other poster's EXACT SAME QUESTION, you had to make sure I knew how clever you are too?

I know now. ;)
If only Jeffery Epstein hadn't been caught Slick would definitely flying down this week for a lolita island getaway after that performance.

the documents showing how close trump and epstein were are coming out via trump's rape case, where he will stand trial for raping a 13 year old girl.

there is even correspondence showing them in contact on the night of at least one of the multiple rapes.

not to mention, several eyewitnesses to the rapes.


your racist orange hero will not only lose the election, but will go down in flames for pedophilia, fraud and racketeering, and will go bankrupt too (again).

Again, since you seem to have missed it even though it was in the same post I replied to you in:

"You're right though, Willy is not running this cycle. Only his rape enabling wife is. ;)"

Is there a reason you had to reiterate the statement after I had posted the reply?
Since it was addressed specifically in the same post as I replied to you in even though I was answering the other poster's EXACT SAME QUESTION, you had to make sure I knew how clever you are too?

I know now. ;)

only problem is that even juanita broaddrick has stated under oath multiple times that bill clinton never touched her.
the documents showing how close trump and epstein were are coming out via trump's rape case, where he will stand trial for raping a 13 year old girl.
Well then I will wait for the verdict of the jury AFTER they rule on the evidence and it is available publicly.

You know, since the justice system is perfect as was pointed out by @bearkat42 when he brings up the Central Park Five convicted for the '89 crime, proven innocent by confession with DNA evidence backing it in '02, and getting their settlement in '14 (15 years later for the math challenged Buckold).
Yep, that's the model of being swift and effective.

there is even correspondence showing them in contact on the night of at least one of the multiple rapes.
not to mention, several eyewitnesses to the rapes.
your racist orange hero will not only lose the election, but will go down in flames for pedophilia, fraud and racketeering, and will go bankrupt too (again).
I find it amusing that a tax dodger like you would be stupid enough to bring up tax records and "fraud and racketeering".

But according to you, they talked on the phone (well, not actually, all we have is a sec. note about a missed call) on the night of the supposed assault, and so therefore he's guilty of assault.
So using that logic it means that since you reply to my posts here, you are guilty of everything you accuse me of?

Sounds about right. ;)

P.S. Love the captcha gimmick.