
Well-Known Member

¡Ay, caramba! , from the Spanish interjections ay (denoting surprise or pain) and caramba (a minced oath, a euphemism for carajo, which comes from the Latin for stick and is used like "dick" or "fuck" in Spanish.),
This dumb scumbag used to be a regular schtick on the Stern show....betcha Drumpf can really relate...

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
“I better use some Tic Tacs just in case I start kissing her. You know, I’m automatically attracted to beautiful… I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything, grab them by the p****,” Trump said.



Well-Known Member
I don't really care about any of this but the Clintons, Bushes and Obama are the same war mongering neocons with McCain, Feinstein and the rest of the scum in Congress. Endless phony wars and proxy wars over the past 28 years costing taxpayers $10 trillion. These are the people who hate Trump.

Fake terrorism and false flags plus millions of innocent people murdered by this NeoCon scum in Yemen, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Ukraine, Afghanistan and other places due to phony wars with Soros and other NWO elites in the background. Their fake wars also will destroy Europe and America with endless floods of refugees. The whole EU is another NWO op used to f**k taxpayers.

If this is who Trump and also who Russia is opposing then I am with them.

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
“I’m not in every interaction my father has. But he’s not a groper,” Ivanka Trump told CBS News at the time.

Let me break this down for you all .Shes calling her father a rapist, in not so many words. Also she said "I'm not in every interaction my father has". she is admitting to being involved in some sexual interactions her father has, this poor girl is a victim. IMO


Well-Known Member
“I’m not in every interaction my father has. But he’s not a groper,” Ivanka Trump told CBS News at the time.

Let me break this down for you all .Shes calling her father a rapist, in not so many words. Also she said "I'm not in every interaction my father has". she is admitting to being involved in some sexual interactions her father has, this poor girl is a victim. IMO

You twisted what she said into that,...Explains everything.....

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
You twisted what she said into that,...Explains everything.....
Did I? Those were her words. She was commenting on her dad's remarks about using his fame to grab bitches by the pussy....she said and I quote" I'm not involved in every altercation my father has" meaning she was involved in some, right? I don't know, I feel like you're trying to defend a rapist. Are you still voting for him?


Most of you have never played high school and collage sports huh? Lot worse is said in the locker room.


Well-Known Member
Most of you have never played high school and collage sports huh? Lot worse is said in the locker room.

i've worked with many construction crews. if anyone were to talk about how they rape women, their tools would start mysteriously vanishing, their truck would not start for some reason, and the chance of a "workplace accident" involving him would go way up.

you sick fucking rape apologist.


Well-Known Member
Most of you have never played high school and collage sports huh? Lot worse is said in the locker room.
I've played sports and have spent lots of time in a locker room. Hell I was in the military. Never had a talk about grabbing a women by the pussy. Nor bragging about getting with a married women while I am married.
Whose sock drawer you come out of ?


Well-Known Member
I've played sports and have spent lots of time in a locker room. Hell I was in the military. Never had a talk about grabbing a women by the pussy. Nor bragging about getting with a married women while I am married.
Whose sock drawer you come out of ?
that is kor420, who was already a sock to begin with. but he lost that account to me on a bet. he weaseled his way back.


Well-Known Member
Most of you have never played high school and collage sports huh? Lot worse is said in the locker room.
Nahh, I was far too busy getting laid and having fun, wasn't really into hanging around locker rooms with sweaty guys. I DID, however, run roughshod over a TON of needle-dick jocks such as yourself, hehe. See, and I know this is gonna come as a SHOCK to you, many of the football players in my high school enjoyed getting their (tiny, sooo tiny) rocks off by busting on the smaller/socially awkward/bookish kids. I was not at all into seeing that, so I'd regularly do things like stomp on jock throats and grate a few layers of facial skin off on the blacktop. Shoulda seen this one mouthy bohunk, heh, he was ALL talk and fire until he was trickling blood from his eyes and ears and vomiting on himself! Fun fun!
It didn't go on for long, though, thankfully - After publicly humiliating the biggest jackass (their 'defense/tackle', what a joke, lol) on two occasions, the bullying stopped.....go figure, eh?

Ahhhh, good memories and great times. Thanks for helping me relive them if only for a few moments, you worthless pig! Hugs and kisses!