Monthly GPS photo contest
One thread devoted to the monthly contest. (I will make it)
One monthly winner based on photo "likes" within month.
Monthly Prize
1st Place - You-Pick-It Greenpoint Seeds Premium Collectors Pack, $100 USD cash, Greenpoint Rolling papers.
2nd Place - $30 in Golden Nuggets, Greenpoint Rolling papers

Yearly GPS photo contest
Monthly Winner, and runner up from each month will be voted on again at the end of the year.
Yearly Grand Prize
Winter Wonderland Weekend Vacation in Colorado for TWO (Fri-Sun)
-Weekend Flight to/from Denver
-Snow activity (Ski, board, tube, snowmobile)
-$1,000.00 Cash when you arrive

wow, a ski vacation, awesome !!!!
Well I have a few beautiful GPS plants going. I'll be posting some pics. I'm assuming all pictures should go in this thread?
Monthly GPS photo contest
One thread devoted to the monthly contest. (I will make it)
One monthly winner based on photo "likes" within month.
Monthly Prize
1st Place - You-Pick-It Greenpoint Seeds Premium Collectors Pack, $100 USD cash, Greenpoint Rolling papers.
2nd Place - $30 in Golden Nuggets, Greenpoint Rolling papers

Yearly GPS photo contest
Monthly Winner, and runner up from each month will be voted on again at the end of the year.
Yearly Grand Prize
Winter Wonderland Weekend Vacation in Colorado for TWO (Fri-Sun)
-Weekend Flight to/from Denver
-Snow activity (Ski, board, tube, snowmobile)
-$1,000.00 Cash when you arrive
Sweet, my buddy just got a new Nikon. They might not be the winning pictures, but I’m going to post the shit out of them.
heres an idea.... contest thread is pics only. no comments. compliment person by clicking like. otherwise it will turn to shit.
Yeah that be like watching a football game and sitting on the couch quiet as a church mouse.its a competition don't take the fun out if it.
So is it strictly GPS seeds? Or how about breeders you supply?

I got some pure raspberry kush from cannaventure coming from greenpoint and I'm guessing she'll be a looker?

Either way I'll be down.
Does that still apply if someone has a sponsor title?
No because they have legal with their company and or business lawyers etc

For users this is for us to make sure our website stays legal And / or no problems in regards to contest items

It’s really for all of our protection I know it sucks and I know mmj community is growing and becoming more legal everyday but we’re still a world wide website so we have to cover our asses
Fun? Then at least a few people would have to immediately be disqualified for excessive buzzkill.

And every one of them liked that post.

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