Goverment housing, monthly inspections, and growing marijuana super stealth


Well-Known Member ahhh good one man, thanks bro, great im obviously talking to a bunch of teenagers who dont know shit about the world and politics and keep avoiding the real question IS HE HELPING THE GOVERNMENT SPEND MONEY ON IMPORTANT THINGS BY BUMMING WHEN HE DOESN'T NEED TO BE SINCE HE SPENDS HUNDREDS OF DOLLARS ON WEED????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????


Well-Known Member
You just dont get it do you.
Tell me why he shouldn't be allowed to grow weed again.
Do you really think that weed is only for people that can afford it?

well i guess i shut you the fuck up 2


Well-Known Member
i think weed is for anyone but you need to smoke responsibly but when hes smoking and spending tax money (when it doesn't need to be) hes killing ppl and not helping this fucked up world we live in today natmoon said it b4 16 year olds are killing themselves tax should be spent on that or do u change your mind now?


Well-Known Member
lol still no answer huh but your still reading so my voice is being heard and thats all that matters to me thanks for proving my point by not answering!


Well-Known Member
i dont think he should be spending money on growing or buying weed when he is bumming off me now answer my question please
Really i cannot be assed to explain this to you but i will because maybe it needs to be spelled out for some people.
I will keep it as simple as i can for you.

Lets say there are 1,000,000 impoverished and unemployed in your area.
The government gives them just enough to live on and still have some small kind of social life so that they do no go insane and kill people.

You think that this creates a loss for you and your country.
You are completely wrong and brainwashed.
Tax is a master conn you just don't get it,its the oldest conn in the book.

The 1,000,000 people in your city that get lets say 100 dollars a week then go and buy lets say 50 dollars of food.
So you have 1,000,000 people spending albeit the handout cash.
So you then have just had 50,000,000 dollars of tax payers supposed cash spent on food.

Do you have any idea of much work went into producing that 50,000,000 dollars worth of food?

Do you have any idea of how many farmers,fishermen,packaging,plastic making,printing,cultivating,lorry drivers,managers,secretary's,shop floor workers the list would be very long,are needed to produce that food from start to shop.

What do you think would happen to those workers if those people on the govt support system had no money?
How much tax do the people in work pay that only have jobs because of the people on govt support?

So basically what i am saying to you is that when the govt gives you a dollar to buy some bread the tax system goes all the way down the line and when this system is applied on a mass population 1,000,000 loaves of bread bought with 1,000,000 govt dollars come back to the govt as a lot more than 1,000,000 dollars by the time the system has taxed everything and everyone in the bread chain from the baker the farmer the paperwork maker it is a the very least doubled.
Wake up dudes your being ripped of didn't you know this?:peace:


Well-Known Member
your still not reading what im writing if you need it thats fine i 'll support society but not bums who can afford it themselves


Well-Known Member
please pay attention and answer my question is he helping the government no cuz he can go out and make somthing of himself and spend 50 times that amount the gov. is giving him


Well-Known Member
umm no i think that was your point the gov. spends all that money and gets people rich but he could spend more then that and make more ppl rich!! GET IT NOW?????


Well-Known Member
umm no i think that was your point the gov. spends all that money and gets people rich but he could spend more then that and make more ppl rich!! GET IT NOW?????
The system is self sustaining,all he as an individual would do is pay even more tax.

Some people are not cut out to work day in day out in an endless shitty job of bullshit,with meager wages and high taxes.
Why should they have to work in jobs that they dont want?
Isnt it our governments responsibility to make employers pay fair wages and lower taxes on the poor?

Did you ever read Robin the Hood?

Maybe one day you will realise that your still just a paid slave,do as your told,keep your mouth shut,work like a dog and pay your taxes or they will come around kick your head in and throw you in jail.
Just the same as in the days of Robin Hood.
Wake up to the system that you live in,your the only one living in a dream world,i live in the real world:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
first off i don't work any more i made what i have in 8 months started a biss. when i was 18 now i make 400,000+ a year and don't work other then signing shit and dont pay taxes cuz there unconstitutional so go smoke some of that shitty spindle plant you call weed (since were taking personal shots) think of some other excuse that i can shut down


Well-Known Member
there are so many easy ways to get rich quick in this country its not even funny u just cant be lazy and by the sound of that last post i guess we know who is working there ass off for nothing (judging by the plant 2)


Well-Known Member
first off i don't work any more i made what i have in 8 months started a biss. when i was 18 now i make 400,000+ a year and don't work other then signing shit and dont pay taxes cuz there unconstitutional so go smoke some of that shitty spindle plant you call weed (since were taking personal shots) think of some other excuse that i can shut down
So you arent' paying for him if you think taxes are unconstitutional and don't pay them, and in fact you are letting the taxpayers pay for your fire police and infrastructure?