Goverment housing, monthly inspections, and growing marijuana super stealth


Well-Known Member
Sure let her know I said hello. and I hope your move to Canada goes well.

Why are you checking on rent?

oh not positive about this but i heard that an Americans cant own land in another country without duel citizenship or giving up American citizenship so thats why i am looking for rent and why is that a problem?? tons of badass places are rent only mainly lofts not that i would pay it but you can end up paying 10,000 a month for some lofts. denver is full of them. and im sure vancouver has a couple good lofts!!:hump:


Well-Known Member
the word twat was used like 4 times in the thread..
original your def a twat dont know about the rest of the things they said..
that's five times
p dot s
i love pot ;)


Well-Known Member
wow do you feel better now that you called me a name? or do you wanna keep going, you can if you want. and im sorry did you have any part in this convo? oh, nope, you didnt!


Well-Known Member
My point is simple, if your family can not survive without the aid of the government why on earth are you going to risk your familys future growing pot. You maybe some day and your mom currently are counting on the governments support financially, if you are caught neither of you will ever get assistance in any way EVER AGAIN.

If you are not worried about your familys future need for government aid then that tells me you likely dont need it which raises the question why are you accepting it.

In the end I have my own problems to worry about and honestly I do not give a rats about your family ending up on the street and dont think for a second anyone else does either. I was young and naive once, you will learn I promise and with age comes wisdom.


Well-Known Member
My point is simple, if your family can not survive without the aid of the government why on earth are you going to risk your familys future growing pot. You maybe some day and your mom currently are counting on the governments support financially, if you are caught neither of you will ever get assistance in any way EVER AGAIN.

If you are not worried about your familys future need for government aid then that tells me you likely dont need it which raises the question why are you accepting it.

In the end I have my own problems to worry about and honestly I do not give a rats about your family ending up on the street and dont think for a second anyone else does either. I was young and naive once, you will learn I promise and with age comes wisdom.
you lost your argument along time ago buddy.:blsmoke:bongsmilie:eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
you lost your argument along time ago buddy.:blsmoke:bongsmilie:eyesmoke:
and when did that happen cuz there is no disputing it if you dont need government assistance you shouldnt be on it HE doesnt need it since he said he was spending hundreds of dollars on weed no one can say its ok to do that thats ridiculous that money could be spent on tons of other things !


Well-Known Member
Sorry, only made it to page 3 out of 19 and I'm sure this post is going to come up out of no where but the original poster said that he's saving his mom 100's of dollars a month because she usually spends that buying some really expensive shit. I find that hilarious but at the same time, it makes me furious to see how some people live. If you have hundreds of dollars to throw at marijuana, why haven't you moved out of Section 8 housing?

I deal with people like you every day, as I am a Manager of a housing authority, aka the people that take care of the Section 8 housing that you take advantage of, even now. People that constantly call in, bitching that their heat is out and they have "bed bugs" (which I wonder, what technically qualifies as a bedbug), acting like we owe them more than we already give. Get out of poverty, please, and stop pretending as if you know how our government works.

Most of us here are hard-working individuals, who have earned the right to grow our own marijuana in our own homes. Although we may not support our government in the war of drugs or even over in the Middle-East, we pay our taxes (which are required to finance a government, like it or not) and don't ask for any in return. Accept the things you are given with open arms, by all means - but DO NOT slam our government when they are the very means of your existance. Believe it or not, our country is not so bad a place. Not so bad, at all.


Well-Known Member
thank you fuckin gwarrior but no one will listen cuz these people dont work or there idiots! ive said that 50,000 times! these people are just stupid!


Well-Known Member
Haha, Idk man. I think the original poster must be around the age of 13-17 because if that is what our educationl system is shitting out these days, god save our sorry asses.

More or less, when he tried to input his view on government, I had to speak out against his totally unfounded opinions.

Not to mention the guys payin' like 25 a gram for bud, so if that doesn't make him a dumb ass, I really don't know what does.


Well-Known Member
Do you really think that we didn't see you coming from a mile away you stupid civil servant?

Instead of wasting riu's bandwith making several accounts and pretending to support yourself why don't you actually go and learn something about the real world you preprogrammed robot and stop preaching your regimental governmental worker mentality here.

Your going to be shot down in flames over and over again,i had you pegged from your first post,i know a non toker when i see one even when its just in text,you are not a head,no where even near.:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
omg gwarrior and original just shut up you guys are so dumb your on here bitching about some guy thats somehow taking advantage of the government
because he's growing pot in sec8 housing due to the fact of ridiculous prices of pot these days but i guess you don't know that or you don't know what supply and demand is and the fact that not every person in the world is some little rich bitch who has tons of money to spend like you. I think its funny how you say he's taking and advantage of the government when theres thousands of Americans sitting there collecting disability to turn around and go spend it on drugs and alcohol instead of the intended use, or how thousands of people work under the table to get out of paying taxes to your great and humble government, who tries so hard to ensure our 'safety' and 'freedom' and spends billions of dollars on national security and equipment but somehow they could not prevent a tragedy like 9/11.... seems to me there taking advantage of you but why no mention of them in your stupid little rant?
why no mention of how were spending all this money on keeping our country safe from 'terrorism' but then we allow thousands of immigrants into the country including terrorists and they endanger our lives they mess up our economy and ruin the sovereignty of our country. This happens everyday but you somehow feel the need to come on here and point out something with no significance at all except the fact that you want to start some shit, and even though you keep getting shut down you still come back for more. i don't think your posts are helping anyone on here or contributing to the successfulness of their growing experience so why don't you go find some other website to flame your stupid government propaganda cause were here to grow weed not listen to your crap. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
wow thats great you think thats me??? ha ha your so great lol well it shows how much you care your still reading.........and even posting! and tats NOT me


Well-Known Member
Hello everyone, i would just like to let you all know i have 9 buitiful compact plants. This war on thought gave me some good points to consider such as the risk and potential shitiness, some good some bullshit that i decided not to bother with cause i never seem to get points through to certain hard heads. i decided not to grow in my place. i found a neibor who was reall intrested in doing a indoor experiment, i told her all there is to know about the needs, ligts vening, snell, ect and im getting 50 percent of whatever coms out of it, wich i think is aesome since she in all fairness is taking the risk. So like i said 9 buitiful babies that are about an inch high with leaves almost twice as wide as they are tall. this is my fist indoor grow and im feeling good wich i know u all must know. so anyways i just thought id pass the word and i was thinking about making a grow journal, should i just start one here?


Well-Known Member
Hello everyone, i would just like to let you all know i have 9 buitiful compact plants. This war on thought gave me some good points to consider such as the risk and potential shitiness, some good some bullshit that i decided not to bother with cause i never seem to get points through to certain hard heads. i decided not to grow in my place. i found a neibor who was reall intrested in doing a indoor experiment, i told her all there is to know about the needs, ligts vening, snell, ect and im getting 50 percent of whatever coms out of it, wich i think is aesome since she in all fairness is taking the risk. So like i said 9 buitiful babies that are about an inch high with leaves almost twice as wide as they are tall. this is my fist indoor grow and im feeling good wich i know u all must know. so anyways i just thought id pass the word and i was thinking about making a grow journal, should i just start one here?
Just make sure that you implicitly trust the female in question.
Make a new grow journal and forget about this thread:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Yeah she seems a trusting person, i can tell by her charecter, and older lady to just to give u the picture like 65 70, will see how it goes, im just not going to put alot of money into the project so i wont have much to worry about, i might put my 150 hps over there though. But yeah forgett this thread i think ill start a new thread, it would be alittle funny to show these haters my fat health plants though, but i guess theyll come across my journal.


Well-Known Member
How are you paying for me to grow and live? Would you rather have my mom on the streets right now, is that what your saying? If so i hope you live in wisconsin so we could meet up and i can beat your ass. Like i said this would be a mutual agreement. Are you saying that by growing a plant or two that im taking advantage of the goverment?? Doesnt make much sence to me.

i think what he means is if you can afford the constant upkeep of growing then you can probably afford to get out of public housing so someone who cant afford to grow can at least have a place to live....