For cooking I use regular commercial weed, have no idea where it's exactly from considering it's prob. already been through a dozen people by the time it gets to me. I just can't afford to be turning $400 ounces of prime nugget into one cup of butter. I'll usually just go get 2 Oz's or a QP and just throw it all into a big batch of cannabutter, (1 O=1 stick) and then you can just use the butter in most recipies normally. I advise that you up the amount of butter called for slightly, simply because the cannabutter is not 100% just butter, like, if it calls for 1/2 cup, use just under 3/4. For these brownies I went out and bought Ghirardelli brownie mix. It calls for 1/3 cup of oil in the mix, I used 1/2 cup of butter, and it turned out excellent. BTW, I just ate 3 brownies 35 minutes ago, I think I may be beginning to feel it slightly.
There is no nasty taste either, maybe just a slight hint of cannabis oil, but not bad by any means.