Gotta do without for awhile

Hi all, new poster here. I’ve been using weed to medicate my insomnia for a couple years now, usually just a joint of Skywalker an hour before bed, at least six days a week. I’m traveling out of the country for a couple months and plan to do without medication for the duration. I have a background in psychology, been reading lots of research about marijuana withdrawal syndrome. Based on the research it looks like I’m in for a couple weeks of (and I quote) irritability, anxiety, decreased appetite, restlessness, and sleep difficulties (ugh), but after that I should be out of the woods. Have you been in situations like this before, like having to go without medication for an extended period of time? What happened? How long did the withdrawal last, if it happened at all? Thanks in advance!
I have been a heavy daily user most of my life, I occasionally travel for work gone 5 - 14 days and I just abstain on those trips never felt one sign of withdraw other then just wanting to be fucking high again :D

Wife refuses to abstain so all trips with her require that we travel by car or go somewhere it is legal and hit a shop as soon as we land I guess (we haven't done this yet)
Hi all, new poster here. I’ve been using weed to medicate my insomnia for a couple years now, usually just a joint of Skywalker an hour before bed, at least six days a week. I’m traveling out of the country for a couple months and plan to do without medication for the duration. I have a background in psychology, been reading lots of research about marijuana withdrawal syndrome. Based on the research it looks like I’m in for a couple weeks of (and I quote) irritability, anxiety, decreased appetite, restlessness, and sleep difficulties (ugh), but after that I should be out of the woods. Have you been in situations like this before, like having to go without medication for an extended period of time? What happened? How long did the withdrawal last, if it happened at all? Thanks in advance!
Dude, I smoked everyday for 22 years until I got picked to baby sit Mom while she vacationed. It was my turn so i stepped up to the plate. I went six days with no problems at all. Slept and ate just fine chillin with Mom. After that long of token herb i think im perma chilled for the rest of my life.
Hi all, new poster here. I’ve been using weed to medicate my insomnia for a couple years now, usually just a joint of Skywalker an hour before bed, at least six days a week. I’m traveling out of the country for a couple months and plan to do without medication for the duration. I have a background in psychology, been reading lots of research about marijuana withdrawal syndrome. Based on the research it looks like I’m in for a couple weeks of (and I quote) irritability, anxiety, decreased appetite, restlessness, and sleep difficulties (ugh), but after that I should be out of the woods. Have you been in situations like this before, like having to go without medication for an extended period of time? What happened? How long did the withdrawal last, if it happened at all? Thanks in advance!
I stop every so often for a for a few months. No I’ll effects but I constantly workout as well.
OP, "withdraws" symptoms are heavily overrated imo. Until you've seen/felt/witnessed real withdrawn symptoms, then you'll know it's a laugh.

I've gone years of heavy consumption for medicinal use, stopped cold turkey and been completely fine. Well a little irritated, bored, some insomnia, increased pain... nothing that will kill me.

Go hit the Gym real hard, then take some ZZZ-Qil (or Ny-Qil) and go to sleep.
Sometimes a good workout can make me wired especially when i am cutting calories. Insomnia is unpredictable too. I have taken trazodone, melatonin and benadryl with no success. Even Purple Urkle and it's crosses didn't help. I'm thinking it's hormone related. Then i snap out of it after 4 or 5 days dead tired and sleep good. Men go through the stages just like women who have menopause.
take some ZZZ-Qil (or Ny-Qil) and go to sleep.

Bad advice there. Chemically induced sleep isn't restful and you quickly become dependent on it to get to sleep at all. My mom got hooked on those kind of things years back and took her a month to be able to get a decent sleep after quitting them.

L-Tryptophan works for a lot of people and is much more natural. Think of that nice dozy feeling after a turkey dinner. :)
^Mhm you're right, I did not consider that..
..I misread OP's post, thought he only needed something to get him through "a week" long trip. A few days of ZZZ-Qil won't hurt... but I would not use that for a prolonged period of time!

Isn't there a correlation between cannabis and REM sleep as well though?

OP, have you seen this?

I've read where pot stops REM sleep and notice if I don't take any cocobudder in the evening and haven't toked much that I get some pretty vivid and memorable dreams. Luckily they are pleasant and not like the sleep paralysis nightmares I used to get.

I had chronic insomnia for decades but about 5 years ago had a small stroke and sleep like a baby now. Not a cure I'd recommend tho. :) Lucky if I can read 10 pages before nodding off and the zinc with added copper I take every day got rid of those thrice-nightly trips to the bathroom that ruined my sleep. Now I sleep 7 - 8 hours every night.

I drink coffee right up to bedtime too and that doesn't bother me. Got a BUNN coffee maker and get a 10 cup pot in under 3 minutes. :) I only use RO water in it and after 6 years it's never needed de-scaling or internal cleaning.

I reckon the right cup of tea, will make anyone sleepy too.
Nice cup of chamomile, bit of honey. Make anybody drowsy.

It's not a bad point about REM sleep.
When I started smoking, I realized I wasn't dreaming.
I've since discovered, through years of use, I still do dream just as much. It's just that I don't remember them.
I may even dream more. Who knows.
A bunn like the greasy spoon uses? Cool !

A home version of those. No warming plate on the top but a valve under the lid where you add the water so it doesn't just go straight thru until you close the lid. Close the lid, go for a morning piss and come out to a fresh pot of life giving nectar. :) Takes longer to grind the beans than brew them.

Damn things cost almost $200 now but worth every dollar. Mine was $150 when I got it. Home Hardware sells them.

I reckon the right cup of tea, will make anyone sleepy too.
Nice cup of chamomile, bit of honey. Make anybody drowsy.

It's not a bad point about REM sleep.
When I started smoking, I realized I wasn't dreaming.
I've since discovered, through years of use, I still do dream just as much. It's just that I don't remember them.
I may even dream more. Who knows.

Try hemp tea, or mix some hemp tea with something that has a flavour, how strong depends on how you react with CBD.

But it can literally be any kind of tea, according to the person, as it's why that tea is drunk which has a psychological effect as well, you associate an Earl Grey, for example, as something to relax with rather than a "pick me up" then a different combination of "happy chemicals" will be released by the brain which will affect the individual in a different way.

I can do the same with coffee, get the "hit" right and I can go out like a light.
I've read where pot stops REM sleep and notice if I don't take any cocobudder in the evening and haven't toked much that I get some pretty vivid and memorable dreams. Luckily they are pleasant and not like the sleep paralysis nightmares I used to get.

I had chronic insomnia for decades but about 5 years ago had a small stroke and sleep like a baby now. Not a cure I'd recommend tho. :) Lucky if I can read 10 pages before nodding off and the zinc with added copper I take every day got rid of those thrice-nightly trips to the bathroom that ruined my sleep. Now I sleep 7 - 8 hours every night.

I drink coffee right up to bedtime too and that doesn't bother me. Got a BUNN coffee maker and get a 10 cup pot in under 3 minutes. :) I only use RO water in it and after 6 years it's never needed de-scaling or internal cleaning.


After using for a long time continuously before bed I stopped and had vivid dreams after stopping. Listen to Matt walker gives a good podcast on alcohol and to a lesser extent mj and how it affects rem sleep. It's on Joe rogans podcast or go to
Weed can give me insomnia depending on the strain. Some strains give me extreme paranoia where I check my grow room and the security about 4-5 times before going to bed. Then get up out of bed to check it again lmao. Never smoke a sativa after midnight is what I'm trying to say.