Got Swag?


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
damn i miss my braids :( currently growing my curly ass hair back. n i bet his ass is happy with the RIU dank he be smoking on. cuz i know u be hooking him up


Well-Known Member
would i sound lame if i said i don't get riff raff??

just plain don't get the guy... he's gonna make serious money being himself... gotta give him that... but he's just weird...

and he doesn't make sense half the time... lol...


Well-Known Member
that white guy is a punk, a fake ass bitch.. that shit would never happen out in cali


Well-Known Member
that white guy is a punk, a fake ass bitch.. that shit would never happen out in cali
Yeah because we all know they're no fags in Cali....
Who are you calling a fag any ways?-That's so gay of you to say that.
Riff Raff is no fag- and homosexuality runs rampant in California, It is main stream to be Gay in Cali and if your not pro gay in Cali your discriminated against.


Well-Known Member
Im saying is, white boys who act like that... its a southern thing. white boys can act black out here without doing all that... that dude is a caricature of himself


Well-Known Member
I have 16 different kinds of hot sauce.......

If i dump just a bit of each how much swag do i have????
If you come to the party with more than two varites of hot sauce you really doing it big Swag style, that shit will blow peoples mind, let me find out he got three different sauces on him???????????? SWAG


Well-Known Member
this is what you fools look like seriously.


Don't be hatin! :lol:


Well-Known Member
Y'all must be crazy if your not listening to Riff Raff, He's bigger than the Beatles.
Haters got no game, Riff Raff jump shot is off the chain