Got strangled and beaten today

That sucks. I couldn't imagine what I would do if someone tried that in front of my son. I would hate to kill someone in front of him. Bad situation to be in. People are shitty, always be ready for shit to go down. Remember this, there are NO RULES in street fighting. Do whatever it takes.
You know what you would do. I didn't have to see my dad lay someone out to know he could/would do it. But shit I was browsing when I was 12.
Said the Buddhist...
Wait, that's canna sylvan. Never mind...

Also, I probably would've gone primal on his ass.

I've been in that situation, I went berserk. Woke up and dude was on the ground, bleeding, not moving. Call EMS and provided first aid till they arrived. Witnesses vouched for me and the cops were cool with it. I got attacked, I defended myself, then stayed with the guy till paramedics arrived. He was lucky, I should've let him drown in his blood.
i thing public retalliation against this kinda stuff should happen,and be publically broadcast..if people seen our neighbors and friendly strangers mob up and beat an offender to death a few times,assholes wouldnt do shit like this as often...
know why when you watch old western movies everyones so nice and polite,even when their angry?
everyone had guns.and could use them.knowledge of dire,swift repercussion with death or severe injury is a deterrent...not saying everyone should carry guns,but knowledge that youll def get yours would keep most asshats walking a tight line.
Ah, the beauty of concealed carry....Had you been a CC holder, after the first punch you were fearing for your life so you put a .45LR right between his eyes. Problem solved.

To bad it's not that eazy both legaly and mentaly

Think George Zimmerman, and countless other simmilar cases

Dont get me wrong thow the POS did earn it
Dude that sucks.

I carry a ka-bar short just for shitty situations like this. I've had to pull it a few times, but never had to use it. Usually when they see the steel in hand they calm down pretty damn quick.

Word to the wise man, don't go seeking revenge on this douche bag. It'll just create a circle of violence or end up putting you in prison. File a complaint with the cops (for all the good it will do you) and if you see him again, don't agitate him but be prepared to slit the bastards throat if he comes at you again.
We'll a fun day today some dude grabbed my thought and started two handed strangling me he let's go and starts punching me in the face a fall down busting open my arm and as I get up he hits me a few more times. He outweighed me by over 50lbs so I try to wrap both my arms around his leg and pull him down to stop him from beating me senseless then a few people pulled us apart.
Now I'm worried as I don't really remember the end of the attack clearly and I have both a brain Timor And my spinal fluid doesn't drain properly from my skull after a bad snowboard accident.
The idiot In me wants revenge but I don't want to perpetuate violence, I would normally shake it off but unfortunately my seven year old daughter seen the whole thing. Fuckin shitty days guys and gals
wtf.......sorry. fucking sociopths :(
... I should have added the carnival is in town so the streets are absolutely packed in town

rule #1

Situational awareness

Ah, the beauty of concealed carry....Had you been a CC holder, after the first punch you were fearing for your life so you put a .45LR right between his eyes. Problem solved.

Heavy duty. yeah bud hope you and your daughter feel better tomorrow haulinbass,,

this situation gets me reflecting, guess I've had fists come into contact w my skull, Five, or more occasions... Is that about average for a pedestrian?
↑ this made me lol :-)

pulling out a gun and shooting people whenever you "feel threatened" is the true "pussification" of america that some people keep talking about.

so often, the people who discuss the "pussification" of america also talk about how you should just blow the person away if you feel "threatened". one right between the eyes. take that for "threatening" me.

they even talk about how to legally create a situation in which they can claim to be legally "threatened", and thus justified in dispatching someone who they perceived as "threatening".

these same people will accuse you of being a pussy if you are not an ardent gun enthusiast and feel secure in defending yourself through other more personal means.

i remain astounded.
Damn bro sorry you had to take that beating !!!!
Fucker comes up and just starts strangling you ! thats fucked up .
My next door neighbour was painting his back fence and tipped paint all over my dog for barking at him .
I went over there when i got home and questioned the bastard about it !
He just grabbed my throat with both hands and started squeezing hahahaha
I grabbed his hands bent them around backwards and pushed him off into his house .
He got back up , i said come at me again you will get more than a push , he backed down and closed the front door .
I was shitting myself but bluffed him .
Heavy duty. yeah bud hope you and your daughter feel better tomorrow haulinbass,,

this situation gets me reflecting, guess I've had fists come into contact w my skull, Five, or more occasions... Is that about average for a pedestrian?

Only if you don't have brothers.