Got ripped by my fucking neighbor

go for a drive find as many dead aniamls as you can and thrwo themin the pool. now dont go crazy and look for deer. just get little guys you can pick up with a garbage bag. one buy one like dog shit. at the end of the ride place them all in one bag. or two dont what them to ripe not yet. then when they are good and stinky and the hair starts to come off then its time. but really the best thing to do is go to home depot. tell them you want expanding foam it comes in a part a and part b. tell them you need to fill a 10x10. area your going to carve a car out of it. then go break there car window and dump it in. sit back and watch there car fill up. also taking wieghts of tires is easy and works well.

Alright so i went over to the house and talked to the house owner. It turns out he filed a police report, cuz someone broke into his house and jumped over the fence. Initially i was just trying to see his reaction when i say that i called the cops. He seems legit and apologized over and over so i dont think its him. He did say that it could be one of his son's friends cuz hes a shady bastard. It all fits in with who i thought it was. Thanks for all the advice
this is a good one hot pepper wax. now a large pool will take some work. but go get some ghost peppers.throw them in a blender dont touch them. get like 30 or 40. or a large bag of the hosest you can get. blend them all up dump them in a few five gallon bucket of waterr and let bake in the sun for a day or two. and go dump that in there pool. wait tell you hear the screams when there dick hit that water yhou can google it.
Well tell him he owns the kid, the friend belongs to his kid so pay me motherfucker!

Nah, at least you didn't do anything rash.