got patriotism?


Well-Known Member
There's nothing wrong with Patriotism. With this government IDK WTF you could possibly be proud of though.


Well-Known Member
just watch the damn video. its only 2.5 min

damn straight...I got respect for the troops but I don't love the country.
Exactly why you should be a patriot. Fight for what you love or die for nothing.

And dont forget....
You should question your leaders.


Well-Known Member
Proud of a few things vets have done in the past, certainly not all things and certainly nothing current or remotely close.
Shame, heavy shame is what I feel for us all.


Active Member
damn straight...I got respect for the troops but I don't love the country.
So why did you edit your first post?
Infact, you didnt edit it at all. You completely changed it.
At first you wrote, "Honestly, no." Because you wanted to be a smart ass.
But then you changed it to "happy."
WTF? Are you embarrassed because you were such an asshole? But dont worry... My first post captured you comment. Check it out.

BigTomatoFarmer started a nice thread on the fourth of July about being patriotic, and you decided to be an asshole about it. Thanks alot "friend"


Well-Known Member
So why did you edit your first post?
Infact, you didnt edit it at all. You completely changed it.
At first you wrote, "Honestly, no." Because you wanted to be a smart ass.
But then you changed it to "happy."
WTF? Are you embarrassed because you were such an asshole? But dont worry... My first post captured you comment. Check it out.

BigTomatoFarmer started a nice thread on the fourth of July about being patriotic, and you decided to be an asshole about it. thanks alot "friend"

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