Got my Set-up, Few more Q's

I have my set-up with a plastic tub with an electric fan and filter system and im going to be running 4 CFL's. I am only growing 1 plant as my buddy only had a few seeds and didn't wanna buy all his shit out. But A few questions I have is:

1) What type of starter soil is the best?
2) How close should I put the lights after the germination stage?
3) How much water, and when should I water the plants at the different stages?

And any tips would be great, as it's my first grow.

Thanks all and happy smoking


Well-Known Member
ProMix organic soil works really well, $8 a bag, regular is $7. Must add Fox Farms in here before 10 posts show up about it, $25 - $28 a bag.

Use your hand between light and plant, if it's too wamr for your hand it's too warm for the plants. Why not germinate them in soil ?

Once a week waterings work well especially if you are new, it fights the urge to water and fertilize 3 times a day. If your soil dries out quickly like may happen in your enclosed case you may go with twice a week waterings, and your plant will love you for it.

Do not fertilize for the first month and then start at 1/4 strength nutes, hydroponic nutes, Botanicare, Fox Farms, General Hydroponics. Again once a week with the waterings.

If you follow those directions you will likely not have many problems.
Ok thanks. And when you say why not germinate in soil, do you mean just straight up put the seed in the soil? I thought you had to prepare them in some moist paper towels so they sprout a lil?


Well-Known Member
Ok thanks. And when you say why not germinate in soil, do you mean just straight up put the seed in the soil? I thought you had to prepare them in some moist paper towels so they sprout a lil?
Yes straight into soil, you don't have to do the paper towel method just a lot of people prefer to do it that way, I think the extra handling of the seed at that point in time is too fragile and adds stress to it, but many others wouldn't think of growing without using the paper towel method, your choice.


Well-Known Member
Again, thanks for all the help. Just one more question. If i'm going to be starting it in solo cups, how much should I water it per week?

Still once a week, unless it dries out considerably, then twice a week. You should let the soil dry out between waterings so the roots get oxygen. Just like hydroponics only less extreme. If you can't resist the urge to wait that long between waterings then maybe hydroponics is the route you should take.


Well-Known Member
I gotta chime in here, too..

Soil: I use Miracle Grow Organic Choice and have had great luck with it. Now that I finished my first bag, I'll be buying Fox Farm.

Lights: I hear the hand method works, but it really depends on your plants and your lights with cfl. I stunted the living balls out of my first 2 plants and I fear they are destined to be dwarfs forever because of it. If you are doing 2700 or less cfl's (best for flowering), I'd say 2-4 inches is about right. If you've got 5500 or higher cfl's (best for veg), I would say 6-8 inches depending on ventilation. Also, some say if your seedling is stretching its ass off to reach the lights, move it closer. :)


Well-Known Member
I am patient, so I think I can cut the urge to water all the time. But how much water should I put in the cup if its a solo cup?
There is no set amount unless you are going to be scientific about it. If you are going to worry about it then get a moisture meter to put in the soil and wait till goes to dry.

Drill holes in the first solo cup and put another one underneath it to catch the excess. Just give it a decent watering and dump out the excess.

Even after the soil goes dry it will take a few days before the plants show any ill effects and like I said the soil should dry out so the plant has time to soak up the oxygen it needs. If the plant is too dry the plant will droop and you can water it and it will be back to normal in 15 minutes, then you will know not to let it go that long next time.

My opinion is you are trying to over think the whole thing.
Ya I probably am, just want this to come out good you know? I will just plant them, and see how it goes. I think I have read every "first grow" thread there is on here haha. If this goes well, I will be upgrading after summer.


I have my set-up with a plastic tub with an electric fan and filter system and im going to be running 4 CFL's. I am only growing 1 plant as my buddy only had a few seeds and didn't wanna buy all his shit out. But A few questions I have is:

1) What type of starter soil is the best?
2) How close should I put the lights after the germination stage?
3) How much water, and when should I water the plants at the different stages?

And any tips would be great, as it's my first grow.

Thanks all and happy smoking
what if your only seed is male? i would start off with at least four then weed out the males...unless you kknow you have fem seeds!
water every three days nutrients every other watering 1/4 strength, lights about three inches away... 24/7 lighting for germ and long as your vegging or in flower stage/budding ...same frequency of watering just the last few weeks NO nutrients , time to flush them then.
Some use miracle grow for a starter soil, as long as it is a good draining soil, you'll do fine, make sure you have a water resevouir for allowing the water to set at least 24 hours open to air before using! and a good water drainiing sytem for them to purge excess water...allow to dry a few days in between watering and yes good ventilation < a fan> is a must for strong stems !

hope this helps i'm sure a more experienced grower will have more advice...good growing!!!:bigjoint:
I have a 4" fan right now. The tub isn't a full size, its the smaller kind, seems to push air through well. I'm using an organic soil and I did a pre-run with watering and the water seems to filter through just fine. And I am letting the water set right now. Those are great tips, especially the lighting for the germ stage and veg! I didn't know that.

Oh and as for seeds, I guess he's not gonna be needing the other seeds so I think I'm getting a couple. I wish I could order online for seeds, but thats too risky for the US