Got guns?

i wont lie......i wanted the m4...couldnt afford that sexy sexy platform at that time. I bet you have a blast! That rifle you showed is by far one of the sexiest socoms ive seen thus far, and ive seen a few.
Is that you in the video? Yeah, that pistol grip would not work, I'd break my jaw or worse. I keep mine loaded with deer slugs. Shotguns SAVE lives. The racking sound is the universal don't fuck with me signal.
Pump actions NEVER fail either.
I have a mossberg 500a also, setup tactical. My brother keeps it at his house though.
I don't keep any guns at my house because I live in Ca and I grow:-(
The last thing I need if they come fuck with me, is a firearm enhancement.
this is high up on my wish bucket list but not really affordable anymore. kick myself in the ass every time one comes up for auction and I could have bought relatively cheap 40 years ago.
