Got guns?

My favorite weapon will always be my first. Walther ppk
That was the first pistol I ever shot, guy in the bow tie taught me to shoot that gun.
Mostly, he taught me to let other people to do the shooting, you just do the aiming, PPk was when it was personal.
It's in his pocket there, he never left home without it.

Anybody have a .17hmr? I'm thinking about buying the Savage Arms 93R17 FV 17HMR Rifle, 21" Synthetic Varmint Rifle -

only negative thing i've read about the round is wind affects it horribly. and where i target shoot, it can get pretty gusty.
I've got a Savage 17HMR, & absolutely LOVE it. I'm a left handed rifle shooter, and it's the only rifle I own that's left handed, only reason I bought it is because it was on sale, & paid $130 for it, they were clearing out old, non moving stock. Its a blast to shoot, and works well on getting rid of nuisance yard varmints, (squirrels, feral cats, rabbits) & doesn't bother the neighbors with "gunfire" It puts a smile on my face watching them roll ass over teacup thru my scope when they get hit, and the squirrels and rabbits make up a nice little dinner, especially fresh!!!!!!! LOL
I've got a Savage 17HMR, & absolutely LOVE it. I'm a left handed rifle shooter, and it's the only rifle I own that's left handed, only reason I bought it is because it was on sale, & paid $130 for it, they were clearing out old, non moving stock. Its a blast to shoot, and works well on getting rid of nuisance yard varmints, (squirrels, feral cats, rabbits) & doesn't bother the neighbors with "gunfire" It puts a smile on my face watching them roll ass over teacup thru my scope when they get hit, and the squirrels and rabbits make up a nice little dinner, especially fresh!!!!!!! LOL
Wait a minute here.

You don’t also eat the cats you shoot?
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with reloading i'm guessing.

i'm looking for a combo cheap rifle/ with purchased ammo. 17 hmr, 22 magnum and 204 ruger were kinda my thoughts unless you got other ideas?

unless i'm mistaken, i couldn't touch a triple deuce NIB for the cost of that savage plus 500 rounds of 17.

i'm set up to reload 243 and 22 250 atm.

I reload .222Rem. and .22-250, I bought 5,000 Winchester primers for $10.50/1000 and 1000 Win 50gn PSP bullets for $60 ~15 years ago so my cost is really low. I shoot 53gn. Sierra Match King bullets in the .22-250 and they cost me $11.95/100. I inherited a bunch of old DWM cases for .222, and I mostly use Norma cases for .22-250. I have some NOS SAKO cases for .222, but they're too valuable to shoot
I have a 1965 SAKO Forester in .243 but I shoot factory (Federal) ammo in it because I don't shoot it much