Active Member
Hi guys, long time lurker first time poster 
I've got some Subcool gear comming in and decided it was a great time to just onto the site and get keyboard time with the man himself and some of the other sages from rollitup.
So after chasing the chem dragon for quite awhile I wised up and finally decided organic was the way to go. So happy I did. [Exceprt taken from my personal recipe file]
History - used a 50/50 mix of FFOF/HF over a period of a few years, for the transition I saved the last 50 gallons of spent soil to use as the new BASE mix.
EWC - Earth Worm Castings
BASE - my old spent dirt
VEG MIX - Mix used for all transplanting
FLOWER POWER - top dress recipe used on plants transfering to flower.
WATER ONLY - in my case it actually means + 2ml Liquid Karma + 2ml Cal/Mag per gallon of water. Also a potential of up to 10ml / gallon of Carbs during any particular watering (I use alot of carbs). if using an RO system add 5ml/gallon of cal-mag (depending on strain).
STARTER MIX - for clones and seedlings - WATER ONLY - not sure on length of activity, have not taken past 3 weeks yet but no def or toxicity have shown up in any plants using this.
Per QUART of BASE mix
1 cup EWC
1 - tbl - Kelp Meal
1 - tsp - Calcimatic/Dolomatic Lime
VEG MIX - for all plants basic needs - WATER ONLY - life span unknown but at LEAST 6 weeks of veg time probably longer.
Per GALLON of BASE mix
Handfull of Perlite to keep texture.
1.25 Cups - Kelp Meal (1-0-2) - micros/fulvic/humics
1.25 Cups - Bone Meal (4-12-0) - long breakdown
1.25 Cups Calcimatic/Dolomatic Lime (cal/mag - PH buffer)
FUTURE ADDITION - 1 cup - greensand - long breakdown
FUTURE ADDITION - 1 cup - azomite - long breakdown
When transplanting add 1 tbl - mexican guano per gallon of soil or use 1 tbl as a top dressing
Mix ahead of time - for top dress heading to flower use 1 cup per pot (under 5 gallon) - make sure transition plants get water only for first week of flower to avoid burn.
1 cups EWC
.5 tbl Mexican Guano (N)
1 tbl Indonesian Guano (P)
1 tbl Kelp Meal
1 tbl Bone Meal
AACT Tea - use once per month in flower or with plants in transition
Per gallon of water (filtered non-RO)
10ml Carbs
2 cups EWC
10ml Liquid Karma
2 tbl Kelp Meal
Bubble for 18 hours (Fungi Profile)
Guano Tea - Veg - max use is once every other week, once a month is probably better.
*Note - can be mixed as an AACT as well with guano addition
For 5 gallons
5 gallon H2O
4 tbl - Mexican Guano
25ml Carbs
10ml Liquid Karma
Bubble 12-24 hours before use.
Guano Tea - Flower
Same as above but instead of Mexican Guano use indonesian or general purpose if yellowing.
*AACT & Tea Note - you can use the sludge leftover from the tea as a top dress for deficient plants, use as needed or toss DO NOT STORE. BE CAREFULL can burn easily.

I've got some Subcool gear comming in and decided it was a great time to just onto the site and get keyboard time with the man himself and some of the other sages from rollitup.
So after chasing the chem dragon for quite awhile I wised up and finally decided organic was the way to go. So happy I did. [Exceprt taken from my personal recipe file]
History - used a 50/50 mix of FFOF/HF over a period of a few years, for the transition I saved the last 50 gallons of spent soil to use as the new BASE mix.
EWC - Earth Worm Castings
BASE - my old spent dirt
VEG MIX - Mix used for all transplanting
FLOWER POWER - top dress recipe used on plants transfering to flower.
WATER ONLY - in my case it actually means + 2ml Liquid Karma + 2ml Cal/Mag per gallon of water. Also a potential of up to 10ml / gallon of Carbs during any particular watering (I use alot of carbs). if using an RO system add 5ml/gallon of cal-mag (depending on strain).
STARTER MIX - for clones and seedlings - WATER ONLY - not sure on length of activity, have not taken past 3 weeks yet but no def or toxicity have shown up in any plants using this.
Per QUART of BASE mix
1 cup EWC
1 - tbl - Kelp Meal
1 - tsp - Calcimatic/Dolomatic Lime
VEG MIX - for all plants basic needs - WATER ONLY - life span unknown but at LEAST 6 weeks of veg time probably longer.
Per GALLON of BASE mix
Handfull of Perlite to keep texture.
1.25 Cups - Kelp Meal (1-0-2) - micros/fulvic/humics
1.25 Cups - Bone Meal (4-12-0) - long breakdown
1.25 Cups Calcimatic/Dolomatic Lime (cal/mag - PH buffer)
FUTURE ADDITION - 1 cup - greensand - long breakdown
FUTURE ADDITION - 1 cup - azomite - long breakdown
When transplanting add 1 tbl - mexican guano per gallon of soil or use 1 tbl as a top dressing
Mix ahead of time - for top dress heading to flower use 1 cup per pot (under 5 gallon) - make sure transition plants get water only for first week of flower to avoid burn.
1 cups EWC
.5 tbl Mexican Guano (N)
1 tbl Indonesian Guano (P)
1 tbl Kelp Meal
1 tbl Bone Meal
AACT Tea - use once per month in flower or with plants in transition
Per gallon of water (filtered non-RO)
10ml Carbs
2 cups EWC
10ml Liquid Karma
2 tbl Kelp Meal
Bubble for 18 hours (Fungi Profile)
Guano Tea - Veg - max use is once every other week, once a month is probably better.
*Note - can be mixed as an AACT as well with guano addition
For 5 gallons
5 gallon H2O
4 tbl - Mexican Guano
25ml Carbs
10ml Liquid Karma
Bubble 12-24 hours before use.
Guano Tea - Flower
Same as above but instead of Mexican Guano use indonesian or general purpose if yellowing.
*AACT & Tea Note - you can use the sludge leftover from the tea as a top dress for deficient plants, use as needed or toss DO NOT STORE. BE CAREFULL can burn easily.