Got charged


Well-Known Member
I guess I gotta admit it,Im a Cop.You guys got me.

Would some dumbass please put this in there sig to.


Well-Known Member
geez i really dont like you at all.

" people who smoke should be kind and courteous to the police, even while being arrested" i think i just threw up in my mouth


Well-Known Member
geez i really dont like you at all.

" people who smoke should be kind and courteous to the police, even while being arrested" i think i just threw up in my mouth
why wouldn't you?Your already being arrested lol being a whiney bitch isn't gonna get you anywhere but a disorderly conduct and resisting arrest charge,and will make you look even more like a dickhead in court.

When I got arrested for attempt I complied with everything they said to do even though they were a bunch of lieing scumbags,that still looked good in court for me when the cop said I didn't act dumb or resist arrest,I bet he still wishes he lied up there though lol.

Back when I was younger and always in and out of jail I would snap on the cops every time I got arrested and you learn eventually that it does no good for you lol.I still think most of the people on here never even really had a truly bad run in with the cops and I dont mean getting a ticket because you were speeding.Im talking about getting pulled over your check,phone and anything else valuable taken then having the shit beat out of you and to top it off they wrote you up for possession of a controlled substance with intent even though it wont stick in court.They just talk shit to cops cause its the cool thing to do.Come to Philly or Chester PA and you will experience what real scumbag cops are.

I hate the fucking police but you just dont talk shit to them lol.


Well-Known Member
Hot damn!

7 pages of my time and that means ol' bb gets to throw his .45 cents in so stand the fuck by,,,,,,,

Do I love Cops?

Maybe I do.

Maybe I don't, you decide,,,,

I sure as hell respect any man who straps on a piece and a badge and has to deal with the shitbags mommy and daddy didn't raise right.:wall:

Shit, if I had to put up with the crap that they do, there would be bodies and spent casings galore. :fire:

If the PoPo gets you for whatever game you were attempting to play,
that just means their smarter than you. And you, somehow, drew
attention to yourself:clap: :clap::dunce:

And fyi, ol' bb ain't no angel, trust me. I have avoided prison. I have spent some very interesting time in County. On more than a few occasions. Sometimes I had money for the damn "Liars" and a few times I had the Public Drunk.

Gun charges. AWDW. Assault & Battery. A&B on a PO (long story). No drug charges, booze problems or anger management issues. Just been in the right place's at the worst of times.

You want to play the PoPo you'd better have a couple of things in yer ruck pack.

Better read and understand the Constitution of the United States of America.
Pick up a copy of the Bill Of Rights while yer at it. And hey, just for shits and giggles read the Federalist.

Have a damn good liar on retainer. A big fat juicy, non-refundable retainer. The kind of retainer that gets him down to the jail before you get brought in. That Kind of retainer.

Never say a fucking word to the PoPo until that high priced, Armani wearing, fake smiling sonafbitching liar sits down next to you. And when he does sit down, let him do all the talking.

Attitude. Yeah, attitude will trip a lot of small timers up when the heat gets poured on. Just thank whoever you pray to that you don't live in some other shithole of a country where you have NO RIGHTS.

I have a lot in common with the PoPo. I do hang out with quite a few and they know i blaze and have since I was a kid. I fish with them. Hunt with them. Hell, I go to the range with these pricks and that's when the sun shines on ol' boomerb, all the tactical shit a bw prick can pick up and scuttle off with under the cover of dark. But enough of that cause seeing grown men drool over hardware is sad,,,,,,

So yeah, I do love the PoPo. Damn glad they are out there. We need men to stand on the wall. Without them, you'd be reading this in German.

When I run into one who's having a bad day I just try and calm myself by closing my eyes for a second. And tell myself it could be worse.

The fucker ain't a hajib with an ak shooting up me and my pals.

and hit speed dial #1 for the fricking liar,,,

boomerb is right on top
ol' bb's glad he ain't a cop
too much stress, so much strain
it'd be too hard on bb's brain
to those that chose to wear the blue
and do a job most would not do
ol'bb sure does, appreciate you
a toast to you who chase and catch
the lesser of us IDIOTS

God bless those that Serve




Well-Known Member
cops are just medium for the the govnt to get revenue. we pay their salary and they use scare tactics for confessions and yea we should be smarter and not say shit but it happens. in order for a crime to happen there has to be a damaged party. well whose damaged when they write speeding tickets and whos damaged when they set up stings? we should be free to live how we see fit and when we start harming others thats when they should step in. well i dont know where i was goin with this just out of my mind at the moment. oh and yea they are a "gang" but what can you do huh? when the govnt backs you what can you do. were a nation full of people that want something for nothing...


Well-Known Member

Now that there is just a bit harsh. Lost my mum to cancer and it wasn't pretty.

Like the Rockman said,,,

That ain't RIGHT,,,,,,

I would not wish that on anyone, karma has a way of kicking ass that can't be matched.

Grow plenty,

yer fucked up dude, you sound like the knowitall pukes we used to put on point.
Their superior lack of knowledge usually took care of them for us.

I'll wish no ill towards you, but keep in mind, the PoPo got a license to kick yer dumb, ignorant ass any time you act up. So go ahead and be a tough guy with the coppers, you'll get yours,,,,


(shakes his head and groans at the stupidity of some people)

and that means,



Well-Known Member

Now that there is just a bit harsh. Lost my mum to cancer and it wasn't pretty.

Like the Rockman said,,,

That ain't RIGHT,,,,,,

I would not wish that on anyone, karma has a way of kicking ass that can't be matched.

Grow plenty,

yer fucked up dude, you sound like the knowitall pukes we used to put on point.
Their superior lack of knowledge usually took care of them for us.

I'll wish no ill towards you, but keep in mind, the PoPo got a license to kick yer dumb, ignorant ass any time you act up. So go ahead and be a tough guy with the coppers, you'll get yours,,,,


(shakes his head and groans at the stupidity of some people)

and that means,

yeah it was a dick comment, I just want to get across my hatred towards this person and his attitude. Perhaps i was too much of a dick for wishing that on his mother.

i shall make a tiny adjustment.


Well-Known Member
Hey gp when I start to worry about pukes like you....

Nah, I'm never gonna waste my time on a real bad ass mofo like you,
shit you'd probably wait for me to turn around so you could shank me in the back,,,

Nah, that'd never happen. Beacause,,,

You more than likely never leave momma's basement, cause a guy like you is always being persecuted by my pals in LEO.

So much hate in you, the picture you have painted of yourself is very sad one indeed. Maybe time for some therapy or?????????

Man I'm good at profiling. I'm even able to determine what you are just by your
written words.

I'm just saying,,,,

no doubt about it.

See ya hater!



boomerb is still my name
this guys a faker and really lame
ol' gp will appear in the papers
one less criminal to pull dumb capers
better to roll and smoke a joint
than be like gp and end up in the Joint.

grow plenty

Well-Known Member
Hey gp when I start to worry about pukes like you....

Nah, I'm never gonna waste my time on a real bad ass mofo like you,
shit you'd probably wait for me to turn around so you could shank me in the back,,,

Nah, that'd never happen. Beacause,,,

You more than likely never leave momma's basement, cause a guy like you is always being persecuted by my pals in LEO.

So much hate in you, the picture you have painted of yourself is very sad one indeed. Maybe time for some therapy or?????????

Man I'm good at profiling. I'm even able to determine what you are just by your
written words.

I'm just saying,,,,

no doubt about it.

See ya hater!



boomerb is still my name
this guys a faker and really lame
ol' gp will appear in the papers
one less criminal to pull dumb capers
better to roll and smoke a joint
than be like gp and end up in the Joint.
show me the me thebad picture i painted of myself...did i ever say the cops beat MY ass? no, did i say i run my mouth to the po-po, no. did i wish harm on any, no. have they fucked with me personally in the past 15 years? no.all the fuck i said was there not held accountable for when they get caught fucking up. i dont like knowing my hard earned tax dollars is paying 15 goddamn cops to handle a simple crime. i dont like seeing the po-po rumaging thru peoples shit on the highway cause they smelled pot. i believe cops should be held to a much higer level of integrety when it comes to the law.i dont think cops should get free shit. they have their pay check,they should use it just like i use pay for their own way. is this hate? my disgust with socato,is my own personal experiance with 5-0 over the past 30 years. hes never done time so he really dont know,but still thats no reason to pay their way.the news media make them out to be heros,and just the other day i got reamed out for trying to cross the street during a cop funeral.the dumb ass wrecked his bike trying to chase a car. now, why should his lack of ability to handle a scooter,reflect on my daily bus. when someone tries to force that on another person its just reassurance on why i justify the way i feel. but for the record...isaid yes sorry and after a stern lecture on paying my respects to a fallen officer. again i said yes mam. i havent clashed with 5-0 ina long time but my hate is growing just as the size of there gang or more appropiatly (military force) hell we aint even people no more were either perps,victims, or CIVILLIANS. thatll sure get some respect.anyways all you haters out there need to ask a few more questions before making your not a snot nose punk kid in my mommas folks passed on years ago. im older than 50 and younger than60, i know more about respect than most. and ill bite you twice as hard as you bite me. im from the country.raised on hunting and hard work,i own my own buss., i have a 4 man crew that wouldnt work for me if i was such a monster.anyways, you still wanna hate me...go ahead but dont give up your dayjob, youd never make it as a werent even close dude, lol


Active Member
I swear to god someone needs to set up an umbush cop raid... say theres marijuana in a house and make it look like it is a grow house.. put bombs in there then like 13 cops go in n blow the mother fucker up.. then cops will stop busting grows!

do about 3-5 of those n the government will legalize weed.
the dumbest thing i ever read. wtf?


Well-Known Member
the dumbest thing i ever read. wtf?
the two sentences together are really stupid but if you just take the first sentence and end it with then the govt will stop raiding home grows. that would make sence but ...they already stopped i think. whens the last time you heard of them raiding grow homes?


Well-Known Member
i should elaborate lol

if barry cooper setup his stings the way he does but rather instead of writing on the walls "your busted", he had bombs designated to blow up when the cops raid the house. and he did this all over the country, regarless if hes caught or not the president would demand a stop on any and all grow related raids.

this said, im not suggesting it and it is a retarded ass idea LOL


Well-Known Member
i should elaborate lol

if barry cooper setup his stings the way he does but rather instead of writing on the walls "your busted", he had bombs designated to blow up when the cops raid the house. and he did this all over the country, regarless if hes caught or not the president would demand a stop on any and all grow related raids.

this said, im not suggesting it and it is a retarded ass idea LOL

Yes, very retarded, and a very good assurance that by doing that, marijuana would remain illegal for our whole lifetime.

And no, the president wouldn't stop it, and I don't think he'd have the power to.

Police would just start sending in robots instead of humans.


New Member
LOL a the shit i stir up...

man i could so start up a anti government terrorist group...

trichlone fiend

New Member
...I'd get a paid lawyer, have him to file a "motion to supress evidence" look into "illegal search and seizure" matter what you DO NOT want convicted....and remember, your innocent....DO NOT plea bargain...remember, it's your medicane. Your buds problem should not be yours. ....shouldn't he say all of it was his???? ...unstead of both of you goin down? ...he's an ass, imo.