Well-Known Member
It's folks like you who make it easier for folks like me to get away with it. Thanks. Sorry about your situation though. That sucks.
Thank you!Sorry guys, its not women, its just the women you choose.
Nice to see all the sweeping generalizations in this thread. Also nice to see that there are men who seem to think that fear and obedience are the path to a harmonious relationship. I'm sure trust and mutual respect have nothing to do with sleeping better at night.all women are two faced, everyone on here saying there woman wouldnt do that is in straight fucking denial, as soon as something happens thats the first thing they will throw in your face, because its illegal and they know you can get in trouble and that makes them sleep better at night. i know for a fact mine would at least threaten to go to the police but she also knows when i get out its goin down lol
Yes, that's exactly what the world has come to.Why is it us guys are safter even if we have a few realy good friends that wouldnt rat on us? Has this world come to a point where first if was the guys with all the power and now the women are becomming power hungery compared to the guys?
Exactly! Considering marriage vows are made till death do you part, common sense would dictate that absolute trust would be a requirement before walking down that aisle. Same goes with choosing with whom to have children. Abstinence and reliable birth control alleviate the latter problem.Also, if you can't trust your spouse, then why in the effing hell are you still married to them? Even worse, you get her preggers? That's a recipe for disaster in ANY scenerio.
At that poster's defense, referring to his (ex?) significant other as his "babymama" did come off as very trashy, and difficult to sympathize.If you have a volatile relationship to begin with then yeah keep the secret but if you have a good relationship with spouse/ baby's momma no need to keep secrets. Hows she gunna feel if she does find out? She'll feel untrusted and betrayed and the chances of her turning you in are even greater.
Also lets be friendly, "do your unborn child a favor and get an education" Calling someone ghetto trash, or whatver, not so nice.Thats a bit harsh. To each his own, thats what makes the world go round.![]()
Right! My hubby and I both have the right to know what is going on in our home. Especially when legalities are involved. Guilt by association indeed applies when something is going on in a home in which more than one person lives. If you grow in your home and somehow get busted, the unknowing spouse will not be just let off the hook by pleading ignorance. Both spouses are 100% responsible for what goes on in the home in the eyes of the law. Anyone who's willing to put their spouse at risk of jail without allowing the spouse to know about said risk and making a choice is just as low as the person that would turn his/her spouse in to the cops.I agree. I wouldn't keep it from my wife. She lives in the same house as it is happening in. So to keep that from her, she would feel betrayed.
I don't trust people in general, period.Yeah why is that. Females never trust other females. I have noticed that too.
"Class" is the key word!my girlfriend wouldnt sleep better at night knowing i was in jail for a plant because of her, sorry not the type of girls i go for, i like some class.
LOL!!!jsteezey, thanks for the Marital advice, and you just might be right - after all we've only been married for 31 years/4 kids/ multiple moves/ financial troubles/ life changes etc... (and are still madly in love).
Thanks for the tip, I'll keep an eye on her from here on out.
Primitive, indeed!Hiding things and lying to your soul mate is just wrong and fosters the distrust that most women-haters fear.
"Bros before Hoe's" is a primitive prison shit attitude - find a good girl, there's lots of them out there & see how nice it is to share your life.
Although I'm not "all about the drama" I also don't "do everything to avoid confrontation and arguments" either. I tell it like it is, the good and the bad equally. What I don't do, however, is run and tattle on someone for something I had no problem with until I got pissed at the person. It's about not being a hypocrite.To me it is all about the woman you have. If she is all about drama and loves to cause upsets then goodluck the first time you ever fuck up. If she does everything to avoid confrontation and arguments then the chances of her keeping quiet about your growing is good.
DING DING DING! We have a winner!(Susc'd)
Sorry things went down that way for you Bosson26. GL with the charges man. Hope she realizes that she put herself in the spotlight too considering there's a child involved. But, Ive got to agree with GWN, shylas, smppro, and so many others here. It just comes down to choosing the right mate, male or female, right from the very beginning. ALL of us gals out here are not that way, and the trust must be mutual. Shaman and I have been married for 20 years. Newlyweds, LOL. Hes not only my husband but is my best friend as well. And, he is the ONLY one who knows anything about my grow or ever will if I have anything to say about it. He was the one who supported my seeking alternative medical treatment and getting my permit when all the chemical garbage they were prescribing only made me sicker and he found RIU for me. To me, thats a true friend. Shaman and I were OTR team drivers for 12 years, so like shylas, my Friends are male also. Unfortunately all the females I know are merely acquaintances, and I wouldnt trust any of them with a grocery list.
'Nuff said.Your sounding like ghetto trash, [....] "babymama" so uncalled for I wish this was never posted.
back guys.. for all the guys who got a thing against me on this story. came to find out . the baby is not mine. so yeah. phuck you. lolMan...your unborn child is gonna have a great life. For the sake of all mankind, You should learn how to use a condom. Grow up and figure out how to be an adult before you completely fuck up your unborn kids life like your parents (or lack there of) did to you. Growing should be the LAST thing on your mind. Idiot...
funny thing GWN my wife is canadian , i met her here in so. texas,5 years so far and she is my peacham I the only one lucky enough to marry a Peach?