got busted


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
I have a problem with my garbage . the raccoons and possums get in my shit everyweek so I got a bb gun to deal with my critter problem well it just so happens that my neighbors are soft hearted people and didnt like what I was doing so they called the police and said I was shooting raccoons and whatnot and they came over . and just let themselves in thru my back door without knocking and pretty much gave themselves a tour even after they new it was a bb gun , and then I hear" well looky here " my att assured me it will be tossed out of court but I still have the attention of the local PD in a not compassionate state as of yet at least . busted !!!
dude as long as you lawyer'd up you aint gonna have a problem. who they fuck do they think they are just walking in your shit without your consent.


bud bootlegger
i sitll don't see how this was your fault, unless leaving the back door unlocked is your fault that is... don't even sweat it, it will definitely be tossed out of court, but like you already mentioned, now the popo are onto your grow, and even if they don't get you this time, you can rest assured that they will be watching you now and trying to build a legit case against you as they are gonna be super pissed losing the case.. my best advice would be to stop all criminal activity for awhile and hope things cool down.. i don't even think i would attempt another grow at this location as you know you will be being watched from here on in..
best of luck though


Well-Known Member
I have a problem with my garbage . the raccoons and possums get in my shit everyweek so I got a bb gun to deal with my critter problem well it just so happens that my neighbors are soft hearted people and didnt like what I was doing so they called the police and said I was shooting raccoons and whatnot and they came over . and just let themselves in thru my back door without knocking and pretty much gave themselves a tour even after they new it was a bb gun , and then I hear" well looky here " my att assured me it will be tossed out of court but I still have the attention of the local PD in a not compassionate state as of yet at least . busted !!!
FUCK THAT, you have legal rights. Sorry, but i think your screwed


Well-Known Member
chances are that the evidence gets thrown out...

you'll need to lay low for a while...

make sure you get all your lights back n shit...


Well-Known Member
whats amazing is they didnt take anything of value, they took a space heater and a thermometer and a air pump I mean it had value but wow , I didnt go down for 2 days after the arrest out of pure shame and to see everything was there I kinda smiled and yea Im kinda fucked ! 5 monsters 3 weeks in, I was so ready for the snowboarding season !


Active Member
thats all they took was a space heater and a thermometer? what is that evidence of? you like a warm house and wanna know exactly how warm it is? lock him up! the popo aren't very bright


Well-Known Member
If they walked through your door without your permission, I doubt anything will happen to you. Don't go down to the station if they call for you, and do not talk without a lawyer. Say NOTHING.


Well-Known Member
If they walked through your door without your permission, I doubt anything will happen to you. Don't go down to the station if they call for you, and do not talk without a lawyer. Say NOTHING.
best advice the cops will try to get you to talk about it and then you're fucked


Well-Known Member
that sucks dude.. shit around here they been known to weigh dirt and plants and charge u wit the combined weight... talk about overkill.. good luck man


Well-Known Member
yea I went to jail,my bond 115.00 bucks I had five plants so it was a misdemeanor another horrible issue to come from this . if the compassionate care act passes here in a few weeks I will not be able to get a card to be compassionate(grow) ... can someone tell me if theres any trith to this I thought I read something about it in other states