Got busted, wont be on for a while :(


Well-Known Member
I'm getting tired of this.

It is time to fight back.

Your lawyer is looking for the easy way out. His way you will be stuck with a conviction of some sort on your record. Every time you apply for a job a background check will expose it.

Start a legal defense fund. I'll contribute. Take this motherfucking bullshit to trial. Get a real ball-buster criminal defense attorney. I'm talking about a fucking shark, not some plea-happy hack.

You have the right to face your accuser. Jury nullification is the only way to end this stupid motherfucking war. It ended alcohol prohibition. The prosecutors know this which is why they are dealing now.

Fight! It's the only way to reclaim our liberty.

Best of luck to you.


Active Member
bull shit ass apex pd...poss with intent to sell...products with intent to grow...and blunt roach and pipe...everything but the poss got dropped....also i was on watch for life by the cops waitn to catch me again....ask your lawyer to ask for a prayer for judgement and pay 100 get your record expunged


Another victim of this stupid ass drug war. What the hell is so dangerous about growing a fucking plant?


"If we tolerated your pot use, next we'd be legalizing hemp, which would threaten my investments in synthetic fabrics, plastics, pesticides, oil, prisons, ect. So I have no choice but to jail you for thirty years."

Right on the money?


Honestly, the whole thing is utter bullshit and we all know it, but is anybody really surprised about it?


I think the country is starting to shift towards the other way..but if nobody wants to get into all that and would like to stay on subject its understandable.


Well-Known Member
yea im in florida, im 19 and never had any trouble, none.

please dont start a flame war guys.
Your cool then...You'll get probably 3 years probation(I did)...Which you'll probably fuck up(did that too). Like I said, a public defender could get you probation, considering your age, charges, and criminal record. Don't let this fucking lawyer steal your money. I gave the motherfucker 3 grand and come to find out, cuz I was never arrested before, that was the standard plea. Meaning he didn't get me a good deal at all:evil:. These attorneys are plea happy. They get paid no matter what. Why would they care? If I was gonna pay this motherfucker I would be asking for 1 year or 2 with possibility of early termination after 1 year. And have him set it up so that if u complete probation none of this touches your record...Just a lil advice from someone who been there, done that:joint:
edit-If he can't do that. Fire him and get a PD.


Well-Known Member
I would demand the possession charges be dropped, since there was no possession, only pictures of weed, they'll probably drop the pariphinalia charge, and get you on cultivation, seeing as it's your first offense, probation looks likely. Best of luck to you.


Active Member
probabtion is what they give instead on jail time its only suspended until completion..or you can do the time and be done with it all together...your record is never cleard if you fuck up agian your a repete affender so its up to you really...theyll ask if you want the plea and that means no smokin growing or goin out with anyone how does couldnt even drink if you were 21 and its a drug charge so you will get tested every month...your choice but all in all its all jail in a since


Well-Known Member
dang bro sorry to hear that. Our laws are so messed up its not even funny. Felony for a non violent crime really puzzles me.......... heck if you punch an officer its felony assalt, and you growing gets you 2 felonies.........Crazy world we live in.

Dirty Harry

Well-Known Member
I never been in that situation, but I have had some issues when I was in the wrong place at the wrong time.
I am a pessimist and expect the worse from everything. You should think that way. Get your affairs in order for the worst. Put up a good fight but expect the worst. You don't want to look like your expecting a slap on the wrist but also don't look like you have gave up.
If the worst happens, you won't be blind sided and will of taken care of things that needed prior. If you get a slap on the wrist, take is as a late Christmas gift.
No one really knows how things will work in court, not even the lawyers. If they did, they would never lose a case.
The court system is not a constant, and it does unexpected things on both sides of the scale sometimes without warning.


Well-Known Member
I'm with Johnny O on this one. It's time we start fighting back. If we continue to sit idly by and do nothing this senseless war will continue to break apart families and ruin lives needlessly. Start looking into attorneys who specialize in marijuana litigation. Key word: LITIGATION. Check NORML's website for attorneys in your area. Also MPP may be able to help you. Best of luck my friend and keep fighting!:weed: