Got an itch...


Well-Known Member
So, I've been on hiatus for 2 years now.I'm thinking it's time for another run.

2 years ago I moved from my old place to out in the middle of nowhere. Problem was my old place... you see, I was renting and after I moved the landlord came in and found something in the closet. No plants, but enough to get me in a little trouble. (for you dicks that want to talk shit, My rent was paid, they shouldn't have been in my house. But since I hadn't been there in 2 weeks they just went in and started taking my shit out of my house.) Anyways, my uncle calls to tell me the cops are there and they are pulling things out of my house and putting them in evidence bags.

At that point my plants were here but I couldn't risk it. CHOP CHOP CHOP. Of course I kept the "good parts" I was like 6 or 7 weeks into flowering 3 girls, all about 4 ft tall. I had so much smoke that me and my "smokin buddies" (6 of us at the time) stayed high for a month and a half.

Since then I've been kind of paranoid, with only 2 low profile grows in the last 2 years. But this coming year I want to get something done. So here's the idea...

5 plants
400w HPS w/150 real watts of cfl supplement
3x3 room 6 1/2 ft. tall

planning on starting seeds around the 1st (maybe a few days before so they are sprouted by then

I have a few seeds
sour d
purple widow
various bagseed from pretty damn good to HOLY FUCK, WHAT THE FUCK DID I JUST SMOKE?!?!?


Well-Known Member
Ok, so I'm gathering supplies. figured I'd take any advice. First off, 1 gal or 5 gal pots? plants will be vegged for 30-45 days so should I go ahead with the larger pots? Also I usually just use shultz all purpose plant food, any recomendations for nutes that I can get a Wm, Lowes, or Home Depot? I also usually mix in a little superthrive too. The HPS bulbs I have are slightly used, But I think they will be fine for this time around. Now the ? that will get all kind of arguments going..... What soil is best from the before mentioned places. Everyone talks shit about MG but I've never had a problem with it other than starting seeds ( now use the peat pods) Most MG soil "feeds for up to 3 months" since the plants will take longer than that I shouldnt end up with too much fert at the end of the grow, which we all know can ruin the tastes and smells of your special ladies. So MG, or something else?


Well-Known Member
What equipment? lol. I have my lights. I never reused my pots. Just got the thin disposable 1 gal ones used for small trees and stuff. Never had like a grow box, always a closet. Cops got my drying racks. All I have for now are seeds and lights.


Well-Known Member
start them in 1 gal till you sex then move to the 5 gal till finished. you can even start like smaller like 1L pots just to sex

Nice Ol Bud

Well-Known Member
Damn dude. Fucking landlords.
I'd go down for murder if I was in this situation.
Anyways dude go ahead and get your shit g(r)o(w)ing!

Fuck the feds. ..!..


Well-Known Member
I prefer to start my plants in the pot they are going to finish in. Less handling means less chance of a mishap. I am think the 5 gal pots though.

Yeah, it was bs what happened but I'm over it. If the cops haven't came looking for me yet what are the chances they were that worried about it? I'm small time, 5 plants or less. They are more worried about meth cooks around here.