got adhesive on bulb

Donkey Bong

Active Member
anyone have advice on cleaning HPS bulbs

when i was taking it out of the cardboard tube it split and stuck to the bulb ....

dont want to power on a bulb that might blow up


Well-Known Member
It wont blow up, but it will eventually smoke that glue off into the plants atmosphere. Get some Goof Off or similar product, or take a rag and hot water and start rubbing gently. This will take awhile, but it will come off eventually.


Well-Known Member
The best thing you can clean it with is alcohol, that makes sure there isn't any type of residue left when you are done. You definitely don't want any kind of residue left on the bulb it will ruin them, even the oil from your skin. Make sure it is clean before you put it in use.

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
no big deal you could use goooff but thats makes a mess of its own. just get a clean rag and some rubbing alcohol problem solved.:peace: