Got a new dealer!!!!!!!!

Willie North

Well-Known Member
you wouldent dont worry about it

and as snoop dog always says "It really dont matter what you spent on it. as long as you're gettin what cha paid for"!


Well-Known Member
Its prolly that cripto chronica dro that i been had gotten.. That shit is so fire its calli weed fo sho


Well-Known Member
hmm dro is that slang in yank fer green?? n if it is ya pay £200 an once were i live which is i think $300 or there abouts and im from ulster btw


Well-Known Member
Can I just say that 'dro' is nothing special ... What makes so many people believe that anything containing the word 'dro' is so much better than anything else around? Soil, Hydro, Aero, it's all good shit if it's grown out properly, some strains only produce full flavour and smell when grown in soil... Don't mean to be a dick, I just hate hearing the word 'dro' all the time! Haha


Well-Known Member
Yeah what the fuck is "dro" thats the worst slang term ive ever had to deal with.. But greenphoenix you grow alot of hydro?? Or are you just a soil farmer who brags about flavor when size trich count and bag appeal fail to compare???not to be a dick


Well-Known Member
so it is just a name for green and yes ur right greens green but no other method of growing even low ya might get more compares to the potancey and taste of an organic grow