Got my son this for his 15th birthday. Knock ya on ur ass if you do it right. Also the pineapple upside down cake my sister made him.
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Hes doing good in school and does everything he is expected to do. Hes 15, hes going to smoke even if I didn't allow him to. I remember being a kid and I wasn't allowed to do a lot of the things I did. Only differance is my parents had no control over anything I did because it was always done at someone elses house.
Lucky for them I knew better than to fuck with hard drugs that I was offered and pretty much always around. This way I see everything he is doing and I can step in if needed since most of the time him and his friends are at my house.
I'd much rather the communication between us stay open than for him to think he needs to hide stuff from me. He knows what is expected of him and what happens if he slips up.
I'd be worried about him telling all his friends to look at this cool present my pop bought me, and then them telling other people about the bong and then that info getting in the ears of the wrong people.
DCS is something that would not look lightly on that, and their motherfuckers.
I gave my son a cub scout knife when he was 12, and the dumb fuck brought it to school to show to his friends and the teacher found it and called DCS on me.
The next week they showed up at my house to inspect the premises, while I had a full grow going in my basement in a locked room.
The inspector went to my basement and asked what was in that room and I told him that was where I stored my guns.
He said good, that's nice too see (Holy Fuck, I almost shit myself)
So, even though I wish I had you as a pop and all your good intentions are cool, be careful and explain to your son this is between you and him, no one else should know.
Do you also fill his pipe for him?
Be very careful, not about your son, but about his friends because at 15 they could be evil fucks if they want.