Got a little situation...


Well-Known Member
that I'm not quite sure how to handle or if it even needs handling. I am on the board of a local music festival. We re travelling to the festival location about 90 mins away. They know nothing if my med mari and I'm wondering if they need to know? I will have to use while we're there. Oh and one of the peeps going is a lawyer and we have. a judge sitting on our board as well. Thoughts?


Well-Known Member
You know my story...I chose not to say anything until someone noticed...then explained it. It would depend on your relationship with the other people. It pisses me off that the stigma attached to weed due to prohibition forces us to have to explain anything to anybody. It may just surprise you who will be supportive...and who partake medically or recreationaly!


Well-Known Member
I'm the new kid on the block and I get the feeling the judge don't care much for me but he hasn't heard me sing yet! Lol The lawyer....I think she'll be alright with it. I personally would like to just take a fatty with me and see what happens. I think I most of them like me...I do my share.


Well-Known Member
Im sure by now you would know how to keep to yourself.
No one needs to know shit!
IF it gets down to this point. Only then do you say anything.

just a suggestion


Well-Known Member
Oh I know the big D word.....I just don't know how I will be able to separate myself for a short period of time.


Well-Known Member
Say you have "stomach issues" explanation of where you're going or how long you're gone for will be required.


Well-Known Member
I don't make it an issue. I usually just quietly excuse myself away and go find either a corner or room to smoke in (if it's a smoke friendly house.I'm lucky that my family and extended family support me and allow me to medicate in they're houses if needed.)
Or a yard or whatever. If people ask I let them know about the fact I'm allergic to basically all narcotics and most pain relief medications. There are other reasons but that usually stops the negative questions and usually starts up the more awesome questions about how it helps and so on.

If i were you I'd take what you think you need along. Make sure you've got your card, prescription copy, etc. That way you're butt is covered either way. And be honest about it. It's medication. It helps. End of story. :cool:


Well-Known Member
id stay quiet, then medicate with a vape away from everyone,
what they don't know wont hurt them, if the judge don't like you and don't like weed, then what happens if you get nailed?. id go for a walk and use mouth wash and a shot of calone, the will smell it on u. don't be stupid if you want to keep your gig