Got a few Q's for my first grow


Active Member
Hey everyone, this season will be the first grow, i have no prior experience but i am very eager to learn.
I've been doing non stop research and think i am ready to get a hands dirty and start with growing.

I ordered some SS early bud seeds and i have around 40 bag seeds.
I do not have the option of starting my plants indoors so i need some advice.
All the threads i read have people taking clones, starting them and transplanting, but i can't do this.

I live in Saskatchewan our last frost will be in about a week (start of may) and the cold will be back around late September to mid October.
First of all, is this enough time for the plants to fully mature if i do not start under 24hrs of light?

Secondly, i need to start outside, so do i just plant the seeds straight in the ground and let them go?
I'm sure i have to do something with the soil (everyone talks about bone meal and other organic things) or add nutrients.
What are some basic supplies every outdoor grower has?

Lastly, i live around a lot of farm land on the outskirts of the city so i have a lot of good valleys, water beds, and morning sunlight.
The conditions seem great, but deer run all over the place! How do i stop them as well as pests and other MJ killas

Thanks for any help i appreciate it.


Well-Known Member
yo i should you should be fine with maturing. If i were you i would at least germinate the seeds in some wet paper towels before i put them outside to improve your chances. especially when you shellin out mad cash for them. As for your soil, you need to test it to see what it needs. You can just do a composition check to see if you need to add sand, clay, etc... i usually add some of my compost. Avoid big valleys, if temps drop they frost first cause cold air sinks. For deer spread predator pee (find at hunting store) and dog hair seems to work for me. Always carry somethin with you when you visit the garden like bird book and binos or fishing rod if water is near to keep it from lookin sketch. Good luck, you might also want to look into autoflowers if you way north they finish fast and really stealth


Well-Known Member
oh my bad im ripped a balanced pH is probably most important in soil cause it determines nutrient intake keep it around 6.5-6.8 for optimum intake levels.


Active Member
yo i should you should be fine with maturing. If i were you i would at least germinate the seeds in some wet paper towels before i put them outside to improve your chances. especially when you shellin out mad cash for them. As for your soil, you need to test it to see what it needs. You can just do a composition check to see if you need to add sand, clay, etc... i usually add some of my compost. Avoid big valleys, if temps drop they frost first cause cold air sinks. For deer spread predator pee (find at hunting store) and dog hair seems to work for me. Always carry somethin with you when you visit the garden like bird book and binos or fishing rod if water is near to keep it from lookin sketch. Good luck, you might also want to look into autoflowers if you way north they finish fast and really stealth

Hey man thanks for all the help!
So your saying i should do the germination and just plant the ones
that sprout straight into my spot?

I will try to avoid the valleys, you think large hills would be better?

The soil around the spot is more sandy than anything (near river) so what should i add?

I will also look into the autoflowers, thanks again!


Well-Known Member
try to achieve a loam soil so you probably need to add some silt and clay. Sand will cause your soil to drain quickly, i would probably just bring in some soil if possible. Hill are definitely better they get the sun first thing. Be careful of planting too close to rivers, nothing worse than losing plants to a flood.